Friday, July 06, 2007

Have you ever?

Have you ever just been overwhelmed with gratitude for the things God has done in your life? That's me today. God is teaching me so much about His nature and how wonderful He really is. As I learn these things, it makes me want to be more like Him. All I could ever want is to be more like Him because everything good is wrapped up inside of Him! I want to be more like Him, I want to please Him, I don't want Him to feel that His sacrifice was lost on me. Though I have my moments and I even have my days...I love God and I love my life. I am grateful for what I have. I have a wonderful husband, a great family, a church family who loves me, a great new job *I get to move into my new classroom next week*, a wonderful apartment, two reliable vehicles, money in the bank, good health, GREAT friends who are always there for whatever, His word and other wonderful books I can read to be encouraged, etc, etc. I just cannot say enough about what God has done for me. I am even enjoying the fact that He has brought so much rain on us We needed the rain and I enjoy watching it and listening to it.
And for the things He hasn't done *or fixed* yet, I have the promise that He has it all under control and that if I can hold on, He will take care of it. I don't have to worry about the fact that I want children and don't know when the right time is to have them-He will show me. I didn't have to worry about the payroll disaster from my old job-He has taken care of us. I guess the biggest lesson God is teaching me is "DON'T WORRY! I have this under control!" There is nothing too big for God to handle. I used to read that scripture that says Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life? and think "Yes, but I can't help it, I was raised that way" or give some excuse like that. Now the Lord is telling me that I can help it, I have to start rebuking those thoughts as they come, and reminding myself that God has never let me down in the past. Besides worrying gives you little more than a headache or a I am not saying that my worrying days are over and that I am going to be totally chill for the rest of my life. I am saying that I want the Lord to help me begin to catch myself when I begin to worry about things that He can totally take care of, and to stop carrying around burdens that I was never meant to hold! In other words "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." When will we learn to take our concerns and requests to the throne of God and leave them there, knowing full well He will make everything right? It's simply a matter of not trusting Him to take care of us when we take our problems to Him, then take them back. All the while He is sitting back and saying "I've got this, let me do it!" My biggest spiritual goal right now is to do that-give it all up to Him and then trust Him. I want my heart and mind guarded by His spirit like the scripture says. But it requires me to do something first, I have to let go of having things how I want them, when I want them. I have to relinquish control and let God do what only He is capable of doing! Lord, help me to begin doing that now-today.

P.S. We had a really great 4th of July, I promise pictures will be up soon. I just haven't been home long enough to put them in the computer and post them!