Thursday, December 31, 2009


I choose not to call them "resolutions", because those always get broken!

Commitments for 2010
Exercise.....notice I didn't put an amount of times per week to do this point, anything would be good!

Put laundry away when it comes out of the dryer. These seems silly, but OH the headaches it will save me from!!!

Make better food choices......this one is especially important because I have a little one watching me now....and starting to eat whatever I eat.

Pray and read the Word consistently every single day!

Continue to work on my "attitude of gratitude" and "taming my tongue".

That's all.....I didn't want to make too many.....harder to stick with it. These are all things that are very important to me and that I want to work on in the new year. I figured putting them on a public forum like this would help me remain motivated about doing these things. Happy 2010, everyone!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009-A Year In Review

Although I am a very thankful person, I think I am going to put the "Thankfuls" lists aside for awhile, and just blog. When I can. ;) Today, I was thinking about the new year that is rapidly approaching. This of course, leads me to think about the year that is ending. What a year 2009 has been.

January brought us the sweetest gift EVER! On January 29th, our sweet Hannah Faith was born. She has changed my life in so many ways. I am a more giving, selfless, kind person than I have ever been before. I have become more aware of the importance of faith, family, and love than I ever was before. Having a child is the most wonderful gift from God (after the gift of salvation, of course). I highly recommend both to you.

February, life began to return to normal....well, our new normal. We had our first picture taken as a family at the youth Valentine's Banquet, and I couldn't stop staring at that photo. I was FINALLY a mommy and lovin' every minute of it. Hannah was also dedicated to the Lord that month. We acknowledged before our family and friends that she was given to us by God, and that we were grateful for that.

March was when we found out I wouldn't have a job to come back to the next school year. That was so painful, depressing, scary, and a million other bad adjectives that I cannot think of at the moment. I thank God and God alone that we have been able to survive throughout this nightmare. I look forward to finding out in 2010 what His greater purpose was for this horrendous event.

April brought Hannah's First was wonderful to celebrate such a special day with our special girl. I tried to post a picture here, but it ended up at the top. I will figure this out one day!

May was my first Mother's Day as a mommy! Boy, did I celebrate it. I remembered the Mother's Day the year before and how down I was. I kept saying I am still not a Mommy. Little did I know at the time, but I was already pregnant with Hannah on Mother's Day! I should really trust God a little more, huh? Also in May, school got out. I worked some temporary jobs and soaked up the time with Hannah. I also cleaned out my classroom and cried my eyes out.

June, July.....more of the same......temp work and time with Hannah. We celebrated July 4th with the family. Another pic at the top. This was also when Daniel and I celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary. He is so good to me, and I love him so much. I have enjoyed watching him become a daddy, and see how much he loves our daughter. It makes me love him even more! This was also the time that it started to seem like Hannah's first year was going by way too fast. started back, I was still working in a business office. The first day of school was a sad one for me. I wanted to be in my classroom, meeting my new students, and just being a teacher. I decided to begin substitute teaching a few weeks after school started, and that kept me busy through the rest of the year. September-working, etc.

October....Daniel's birthday, Hannah's first fun! I also did a long-term sub job at Satilla Marsh during this time. I enjoyed that so much, I didn't want to see it end. We also went on our little "staycation" this month. We went and stayed on St. Simons with my dad, Dawn, and their little ones. We thoroughly enjoyed that time. 29th birthday....we went to Jax....went shopping....went to Olive Garden!
Thanksgiving was also this month. I enjoyed seeing my family enjoy Hannah...and Thanksgiving always means good food! I also had so much to be thankful for.

December brought Christmas....all the shopping, preparation, wrapping, eating. We have had so much fun this year with Hannah's first Christmas....we didn't want to see it end. We are now preparing for her 1st birthday party, and I am so excited for it-but at the same time I want to cry! My baby isn't a baby anymore. She is becoming a big girl!!
I will say this for has been the best and the worst year. With everything that has happened work/financial-wise, I am so glad that Hannah is here. She makes everything easier to cope with just by looking at her sweet little face. She has brought us such joy. Also, because of the work situation-I have had more time for my family and friends than I did before. That is a wonderful blessing. The biggest lesson I have learned this year is-stop and smell the roses. Enjoy your friends, your extended family, your spouse, and your children. These are the treasures you can enjoy on Earth and also take with you to Heaven.
I look forward to 2010 because God is in control. He has every one of my days in His hands, and He will carry me.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


So, Christmas pretty much took up our was great! That, and church on Sunday. My wonderful husband took me shopping in Darien for Christmas gifts he didn't have time/money to get before Christmas.

Hannah seemed to be getting rapidly worse with her cold, so I took her to the doctor yesterday. Our good ole Dr. G told me that she has RSV. So, we were getting prescription, lunch, nap, face time with Mommy after that yesterday. Then, my wonderful husband (sensing a pattern?), cooked dinner, then we left the little one behind with Nana and went to the church to help them clear out the Christmas decorations. Went to Wal Mart after and bought Hannah a vaporizer, went home and put her to bed. I am having a terrible time sleeping since she has been sick because she coughs, and I listen. Listen for choking, listen for more coughing, listen for breathing. That's Mommy life.

Today, we have been hanging out in the house. She is napping a lot because of the medicine, but seems to be feeling better. Thank You, Lord. Daniel's mom has invited us over for dinner tonight, so that means night number two of not cooking. What a princess I am!

Tomorrow, Hannah Bugs and I will be preparing the house for New Year's festivities on Friday. I.e.-lunch with Mimi, Grandpa, Poppy, and Mema. Then I am going to start helping my parents move. And Saturday is the big moving day, so you probably won't hear from me then. In other words, this blog is mostly to say-I don't have much time to blog right now. Happy New Year, everyone!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Thank You

1. I got to sleep in today.
2. We went and saw Mom's new place yesterday, so cute!
3. Mom bought us dinner again last night.
4. I have some last minute prep to do for Christmas dinners today and tomorrow because it's Christmas Eve!
5. I am so excited for Hannah's first Christmas....we have the video camera and the photo camera charged and ready to go, so lots of pictures are forthcoming. We are having breakfast with the grandparents, reading the Christmas story from the Bible, and opening gifts. Then we are all having a big lunch together.
6. Daddy will be home with us at 12 o'clock. :)
7. This year I know we are going to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. It won't be much, but it will be all about family and the Lord-who it should be about anyway.
8. I am enjoying my time off, if for nothing else than to keep up my house!
9. I had a "God moment" yesterday with a missionary I met outside of a store. I won't go into detail too much, but God showed me the true meaning of Christmas, and of our lives for that matter-in that moment of a stranger asking to pray with me. It was a beautiful thing.
10. My cousin Logan is in town, so I got to see his little boy River for the first time yesterday. It was great to see both of them.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


1. Lunch with Mom today.

2. Spending time with Hannah today.

3. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.

4. My house is clean.

5. I got my new kitchen table, and some bonus rocking chairs for the porch....all free.

6. The power of God's love....I have been so amazed lately by how He loves me, and how He moves me to love others.

7. Scott is awake!

8. I am finally back online.

9. Our lamp got broken over the weekend, and someone gave us another one yesterday....crazy!!

10. I made lots of Christmas candy with Mimi on Monday, and she brought me a bunch of it. So good!

The picture at the top is of Scott and Laura....thought I should post one since I talk about them all the time!!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Today's Highlights

Hannah's first cupcake....well, half of a cupcake. I insisted on cutting it in half, she's not even 1 yet!! She studied it for just a second....and then she shoved it STRAIGHT into her mouth. Her daddy and I were laughing hysterically!
Other highlights....
I got a lot of work done in the house today.
We had Chinese food for cooking.
Two more days until Christmas Eve! :)
I got my new kitchen pictures yet.
And I got some rocking chairs for the front porch.
Great day!


So...I am back. SO MUCH to tell, but no time. Christmas is in three days, and my house is a train wreck!!! My Internet was down for day upon miserable I have not posted. I am just trying to get caught up on everything I missed. I promise....a blog will be forthcoming. Or maybe a few blogs...but first......

1. Wash dishes
2. Wash laundry
3. Clean out the fridge
4. Vac and mop all the floors
5. Clean the oven
6. Clean the living room....which includes putting away massive amounts of laundry.
7. Clean Hannah's room, de-junk Hannah's room in preparation for Christmas gifts of new toys, books, and clothes.
8. Clean the dreaded bathrooms
9. And whatever other cleaning-related activities I find along the way. Mimi has Hannah for the day, so I am free to clean! Happy Tuesday, everyone.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



1. My cooking/baking is done for the party tonight.
2. The youth party is tonight.
3. I am at home with Hannah today.
4. The dishes are done.
5. I have had time to wash laundry.
6. Hannah's first Christmas is going to be wonderful.
7. Mom bought us dinner last night, so I didn't have to cook.
8. Two more days until Christmas break.
9. The weather is turning cold...ish again.
10. I may be getting a new kitchen table for Christmas. :) And the best part is, it's totally free!

And one more....when we got home from choir last night, Hannah was still awake. She was teething and generally feeling yucky. So, I took her to her room and we rocked in her chair. I tried the bottle, and she didn't want that. So then, I was singing "Jesus Loves Me" (that's our nighttime song), and she kept reaching up to touch my face, put her face on my face, kiss me, or lay her cheek on my face. It was the sweetest thing ever!

Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas is a dishwasher.

Little Muscle Man

This is the newest form of entertainment at our house. "Hannah, show me your muscles!"
The giggles are endless!!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Random reasons why I love my husband.....Tuesday Edition. :)

He listens as I blither on about Angie, NieNie, Mary....all my "blog sisters". I mean actually listens.

He washes laundry.

He goes to the grocery store for me.

He puts gas in my car.

He takes care of Hannah so Mommy can go and enjoy a night with the girls. He dresses her for bed, plays with her, cleans up after her, puts her to bed, and then shares stories with me about their evening together when I get home. :) So sweet.

He encourages me.

He considers me.

He texts me throughout the day, just because he misses me.

He prays for me.

He tells me I am beautiful.

He is a wonderful daddy.

He cooks for us.

He takes out the trash, empties the Diaper Genie and takes the trash can to the street for pick up day.

He helps me with the dishes.

He has mastered the art of actually asking your wife how you can help!!!

He loves me, and never lets a day go by without telling me so.

He picked me.

Perspective from total strangers

So, this weekend we went to a Christmas concert at Abundant Life. I expected to sing along to a few Christmas carols and chat with some old friends. What I did not expect was for God Himself to speak into my situation.

As I was sitting and listening, and wrestling my sleepy, busy 10 month old, Christina began to talk about going through trials. How we need not to "wish them away", but to allow our eyes to see what God is trying to do in our life. And how we need to embrace what happens to us, and let it hurt and DEAL WITH IT. Because if we don't deal with it, let ourselves grieve, let it overtake us for a little while-then we can't see the trial for what it is. It won't change us or cause us to grow-we will just stagnate. I can't remember her exact words, but this is what I got from what she was saying.

And so, I am no longer ashamed that I have allowed this hurt to wash over me and bring me to tears many, many times. That was a necessary part of the process. I will not feel shame if the tears come again...and again....and again. Each time that I grieve over this now, I will pray that God begin to show me the truth of the situation. Why did this happen, what was the purpose? What can I learn from this, what can I do differently? And what blessings is God going to bring through this trial? What blessings is He already bringing through this trial?

After the concert, I spoke to a friend who is a fellow educator. She was one of the few people who saw past the negatives of the situation, and just talked with me about the things that I am gaining from this trial. The amount of time I have been able to spend with Hannah, with Daniel and the rest of the family, the time I have been able to focus on our ministry and my relationship with God. I wouldn't have that if this had not happened. I also would not have the renewed sense of purpose in my life, the strengthening of my passion for education. I have such gratitude now for each moment spent in a classroom, every opportunity to teach, and to make a difference in a child's life.

Also, in reading Nie Nie's story today, I have received some much needed perspective. How each day, each moment is a choice. We can choose to be depressed and despondent, or we can choose to embrace every sweet (or bittersweet) moment of life. We can choose to be thankful for all the good things we have, instead of focusing on what we don't have. These are the things we forget when we are weighed down by the world and it's distractions. We forget to see how beautiful our lives really are. So, to these total strangers who really seem more like friends-thank you. Thank you for showing me how to hurt and how to move on, all at the same time.

Tuesday Thankfuls

1. Working at Satilla today.
2. Christmas party last night was so much fun.....yummy food, great company, fun presents.
3. Spending time with my babies last night.
4. I just finished reading Nie Nie's story from the AZ Republic. Inspiring.
5. Just a few more days until Christmas break.
6. Getting some things done yesterday after school.
7. Having time to get more things done after school today. :)
8. Youth Christmas party tomorrow night.
9. Another good night's sleep last night.
10. Hannah is standing up by herself. So, walking should be coming soon. Sad and happy about that one. She is growing up so fast!!

Monday, December 14, 2009


Two more thankfuls....this picture......AND....Hannah Bug's 1st birthday party pack came in this weekend!!! :) :) :) SO SO CUTE.


1. Satilla Marsh today.
2. And tomorrow.
3. Santa pictures, family pictures, Christmas shopping...this weekend was great!
4. Busy, busy week ahead.
5. Ladies' Christmas party tonight, riding with my sweet friend Anita.
6. Going home to my sweet Hannah girl in about an hour.
7. Great night's sleep last night.
8. Christmas concert this past Friday night....some of the things that were said really made me begin to see my situation in a different way...more on that later. And, I had a great conversation with a friend after the concert that continued to enlighten me. :)
9. My sweet, wonderful, helpful, supportive, adoring husband.
10. Christmas is right around the corner!

Friday, December 11, 2009



1. FRIDAY!!!!!
2. Christmas concert tonight.
3. I am working today, dunno yet if that's a Thankful or
4. We are taking Christmas pics tomorrow, and going to meet Santa. And doing some Christmas shopping with Nana for Hannah, I think.
5. Getting to wear my favorite coat today because it's cooooooold.
6. Dinner last night with some of my favorite people on Earth.
7. Oyster roast/bonfire/whatever it is....tomorrow night at the church.
8. Hannah is doing well. We had a little bathtub mishap last night. Read: she ate soap. There was quite a stir in my house last night, as you can imagine.
9. Lots of yummy Christmas goodies got dropped off at my house by a sweet little Santa's helper. We usually just call her Mimi. :)
10. In a few short hours, I will go home to my sweet little family. They are such a blessing, it's ridiculous. They make life so sweet. Hannah and Daddy, I love you with all of my heart.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

This Week

So, I tentatively begin this blog as I listen for peeps out of the little one's nursery. She was whining and rubbing her eyes, so I laid her in her crib. She has been protesting for a few minutes, but I think she is about to fall asleep now. Anyway, this week....

It has been a very different kind of week. I couldn't sleep Sunday night, so I didn't make it to sub Monday. I slept in, I mean REALLY slept in. Which for me is ten o'clock-but you know. Then, The H Bug and I went to Dr. G's for her flu shot, and had a little adventure at Wally World after. Then Monday night our little fam just hung out here at home. Tuesday, I subbed for a Special Ed Pre-K teacher, picked up Hannah from Mimi's after school, cooked dinner, and left Hannah with Nana so Daddy and I could go to choir practice. When we got home from choir, Little Tiny was still awake. We all laughed at that, played for awhile, and I finally got her to go to bed around ten.

Then, yesterday....I slept through a sub call. I jumped up at 8 o'clock, thinking that we had slept through the trash pick-up as well. We hadn't, but I am sure my neighbors enjoyed me running out to the street with our trash can-bed head, rumpled pjs, the whole nine yards. Daddy was off, so he and Hannah went to the bank to visit friends while Mommy got ready for the day. When they returned, we headed to the mall to buy a few Christmas gifts. I got Twilight Woods lotion, body cream, and body spray for Christmas! :) Then we had lunch at Sonny's....that was Daddy's idea-I had endless heartburn from it, but he was happy. After lunch, we headed to Wal Mart.....such a pattern in our lives with that place. We bought the food and gifts that we needed for the youth Christmas party next Wednesday. We had such fun doing that. We have discussed my love of planning, cooking, decorating, giving gifts before-so you understand. We came home and Hannah went down for a nap, so I decided to bake cookies. Then Daddy and I spent time together while I wrapped presents.

Last night, we had a wonderful church service. I don't know if anyone else thought it was wonderful, but God spoke to me and I was captivated. I needed to hear from Him, and it's so special at this time of year to feel His presence. And today, I didn't get any calls to sub, so here I am at home again. Hannah and I have played this morning, we are going out to pick up a few more things for the youth Christmas party after she wakes up, and then we are just going to hang out at home. Daniel and I are going to his work Christmas party tonight, and hopefully I will work tomorrow. After that, we are going to the Christmas concert at Abundant Life-our former church. Which means we will get to see most of our first church family. :) I don't want to say former church family, because they are definetely not that. And some of our current church family is going with us, which I am also really excited about.

So, this week has been very different.....and some people might think kinda bad. I do not agree, except for the financial part of it, since I haven't worked much. I think I really needed this time off. Last week was horrendous on so many levels, I spent a lot of time crying and felt very depressed. This week I have been able to get some things done, regroup, fellowship with my friends and family, spend time with the Lord, and just breathe. And God will take care of us financially, just like He always does. The time I have had for the most important things in my life this week cannot be replaced by any amount of money.

Lord, I thank You for this precious gift of time you have given me this week. I thank You for giving me time to slow down and appreciate this wonderful season for what it is. And I thank You for the gift of Your son, most of all. Help us to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season-and to celebrate Him.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


1. Hannah's Christmas pics are scheduled for Saturday!
2. Working today.
3. Busy, full, fun week planned.
4. I am working at SME on Friday and Monday. :)
5. Hubs and I working together last night to get things accomplished at home. He's so great.
6. Time with Hannah yesterday....she got through her shot like a big girl!
7. Cooking dinner while listening to Christmas music and playing with Hannah.
8. Wrapping Christmas gifts....whenever I can get around to
9. All of the Christmas parties we are going to this week and next.
10. Being blessed by God.

Monday, December 07, 2009


1. I finally got that weekend rest that I was looking for....too bad it had to come at the cost of not working today.
2. Christmas/birthday shopping for Hannah.....SO MUCH FUN!
3. Family time we spent this weekend.
4. Lunch with friends yesterday.
5. Singing Christmas carols at church.
6. An unexpected gift that was given yesterday.
7. newest obsession.
8. Seeing the Swains....I have missed them so much. And seeing them and knowing what they have gone through reminds me that I am not the only one who is hurting.
9. The bunch of compliments I got on how pretty I looked in my red sweater at church. I needed those.
10. Enjoying Christmas, but knowing that Jesus is the gift.

Friday, December 04, 2009



1. For girl time with Rachel yesterday.....she saved me from myself. :)
2. McDonald's and Dora the Explorer made up our evening last night.
3. Friday!!!!
4. Wearing my Christmas shirt.
5. Glyndale-1st grade
6. Great night's sleep
7. Parade tomorrow
9. Having time to clean tomorrow while Hannah goes with Nana to Granny's house.
10. Hannah was awake before I left today.
11. Sleeping in tomorrow
12. Hannah's new book.

Thursday, December 03, 2009



1. Today is almost over....not a bad day, just tired and ready to go home.
2. It's Thursday.
3. We don't have anywhere to go tonight, and my mom is coming to watch Hannah for awhile so we can get some things done.
4. Tomorrow is Friday.
5. We are going to the Christmas parade this weekend.
6. It's my dad's birthday....I've GOT to remember to call him.
7. Got to see my buddies, the Taylors last night at church. I have missed them.
8. Jesus is my strength.
9. I get to go pick up Hannah girl in a few minutes. :)
10. It's gonna get better.

This has been another rough week. I don't know if it's just the tiredness from being so sick and then going straight back to work or what....but I am really struggling with job/financial/family situations. Prayers are appreciated!

Wednesday, December 02, 2009


1. Church tonight.
2. Caffeine.....I don't know if I am awake YET! But, I just got some caffeine, hope it helps.
3. Nothing to do tomorrow night after work.
5. The wonderful second grade team I am working with today.
6. Christmas music.
7. A "nothing to do" weekend coming up.
8. It's Wednesday, we're halfway there.
9. Sweet, sassy, opinionated, grown-up Hannah. She is hilarious, endearing, busy, and SO MUCH FUN!
10. My wonderful husband...he tries with all of his might to be the best daddy/husband/partner that he can be. I love him, love him, love him.

And one more for good January I will finally have my last check-up for the blood clot situation, and I should be able to get off the meds for good!!!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


So, I was thinking tonight....about why each friend in your life means so much to you. I realized that, at least for me, each friend brings something different to my life.

Nena reminds me to be sensitive to God's voice. She reminds me to be slow to speak, quick to listen. She reminds me how beautiful life is when you live it close to the heart of God.

Jennie makes me laugh. UNCONTROLLABLY. She makes me forget that things are what they are, and just giggle like a little kid. And she looks up to me, which makes me feel like who I am isn't quite so bad.

Anita is the one I talk shop with.....Mommy We talk about all the Mommy do's and don'ts....places to shop....things that we feel about our motherhood stacks up to other things in our we do what we do with our crazy husbands next to us. :) She is also a friend who always makes me feel special. She just has that way about her, that she can make you feel like the most important person in the room when you are talking to her.

Rachel is another "Mommy friend". But Rachel also reminds me of the power of prayer. When she tells you that she will pray for you-take it to the bank. She means it, and she will pray with fervent expectation for your miracle.

These are my four closest girlfriends. And in case I don't say it enough, ladies-I thank God for each one of you. LOVES!



1. I am working at Altama....first grade. I am really starting to like this school. And this grade.
2. I think Hannah is getting better. I am getting better.
3. I got a lot accomplished last night.
4. Mom is coming over tonight to watch Hannah while we are gone to choir practice.
5. We are planning to take Hannah to the Christmas parade on Saturday.
6. Church tomorrow night...I feel like I haven't been to church in AGES! We didn't have Sunday night church the Sunday before Thanksgiving, nor choir or church last week. This past Sunday, I was sick.
7. Now that I am getting better, I can enjoy the holiday season. Have I mentioned that I love Christmas?
8. The Lord is encouraging me, and showing me how to encourage myself. And my wonderful husband helps in that way as well. I have to share this-we were having a heart to heart the other day, and I told him that I felt like I was being torn down. He reminded me that sometimes you have to be torn down, so that God can build you back up. How awesome was that? I love him. :)
9. We grocery shopped last night....I'm the weirdo who enjoys doing that. I just love buying things to make meals for my family, organizing the cabinets and freezer and fridge, cooking meals for them. I could SO be a stay-at-home mom and love every minute of it. I'll put that on my grown-up Christmas list. ;)
10. My extended family needs lots of prayer right now, but I am thankful that I have a family to pray for.