Tuesday, September 29, 2009

You Are Loved

Okay, I should soooo be in bed. But as I was getting ready to go to bed, I had a thought that blessed me so much that I wanted to share it. So, the next time you Mommies are feeling guilty because everything is not "just so" for your children...remember this post.

My child may not have the nicest house in the world. Our house might not always be spick and span. Mommy may sometimes forget (or intentionally avoid) doing the dishes. There may be loads of laundry waiting to be washed, and tubs and sinks that need to be scrubbed. She might not have the most expensive clothes or lots of new toys.

But, she has love. She has a family who would lay down their lives for her. She has food, shelter, clothing. She has a place to lay down her head at night. She has parents who love her, laugh with her, hold her, sing to her, pray for her. She has more than some children will ever dream of. In this world of neglect and abuse, she has security and peace. That is what I owe to my daughter, and that is what I give her. It gave ME such peace to hear God say that to me. You are giving your daughter exactly what she needs. She doesn't care if the house is neat and tidy, or if the refrigerator is clean. She cares about your love for her, and she has that. So, I end the day knowing that my daughter is taken care of and blessed. And that makes me happy. :)

Welcome Back, Castor!

Wow, it has been forever! ALOT has changed since I posted last. Had a sweet baby girl named Hannah, moved into a new house, changed job situations. Plenty to share about all of this in the future, but for now I just want to say "I'm back!" I lost my account information somewhere and for one reason or another, wasn't able to sign in for a long time. Pictures and details to come, but I don't have time now. Just wanted to post this idea that I saw. "Ten Reasons Why Today Is A Beautiful Day". Feel free to add your reasons to mine. Have a great day!

1. I have been busy shaping lives all day.
2. I finally know my students' names!
3. My daughter is eight months old today and PRAISE THE LORD has had no health problems.
4. God loves me.
5. My husband is my best friend.
6. Fall is in the air.
7. I went to the doctor today, and all is well! I have to share later why that is SUCH an answered prayer.
8. I have friends who pray for me.
9. I am well rested, I slept like a ROCK last night.
10. I have a home to care for and share with my family .