Saturday, August 04, 2007

A servant's heart

Servanthood, servitude. Whatever you call it, that's what has been on my heart lately. I feel this constant need to pray that I will always have a servant's heart. God has graced me with chances lately to see areas where I can be a servant to the people around me, and I have seen areas where other people have been given that chance, and have passed it by....and some many times, all God asked them to do for someone else was something SO SMALL, yet they couldn't do it. This woke me up a little bit. It made me realize that so often, we "liberated" women, have decided that we don't HAVE to do anything for anybody. But, if we would yield to what the Master really wishes for us to do, we would see that serving others is one of our greatest jobs as women of God. We have chances each and every day to be gracious and serve the people around us. Do we take those opportunities? Or do we say, "If I am constantly bowing to others and doing their "grunt work", then all of the equality women have worked so hard to obtain will be for nothing." I myself have been guilty of saying "As long as we are BOTH working, we will BOTH be doing the housework." If only the eyes of our hearts could be opened to how pleased God is when we put others before ourselves. As women, one of our greatest joys should be serving the family that God was so gracious to give to us. I don't have children yet, but I have been given a lot of different callings where I have a chance to serve the people in my life...teacher, youth leader, wife. These jobs are not meant for me to obtain glory and be treated as some sort of royalty. They are meant for me to learn more about myself and the nature of God-by doing for others. One of the biggest places that this is revealed in our lives is in our marriage. After the sparkle and glitter from the wedding finally settle, and you begin to live together as a married couple, who you truly are will begin to be revealed to you, and many times there is selfish underneath. Then you have two choices-continue in that selfishness or ask God to help you to change. I pray that I would always be a servant, someone that people can come to when they need a helping hand-of any kind. I pray that I will be the kind of mother whose children will "rise up and call her blessed". I pray that my husband will feel loved and honored by me every day, not only in the things that I do, but in the words that I speak. And most of all-I pray that when God is searching the Earth looking for someone to do a job for Him, He will find me a worthy servant and call on me.