Monday, October 04, 2010

Peace, Peace, Wonderful Peace

I had an awesome time in prayer this weekend. Proved to me yet again why I get up early on my only day off to go to the church. There's usually only three of us there, and this week was no exception. I am dealing with so many things in my heart, spirit, mind, etc. right now; and the Lord addressed each and every one of those. I felt like I had just taken a shower after a year of lying in the mud, like I had just woken up from a really great nap. The Spirit of God is amazing, and it is truly what sustains me. I needed that time of refreshing more than I can say, and I'm thankful that it came. I thought I was going to share, but it's just too important to share with other people right now. It was a "me and God" thing, and it was precious to me.

I got to meet Austin's Maria this weekend. That was totally awesome. We clicked right away when talking on Facebook, and meeting in person was much the same. I have never met a person for the first time and hugged them, but Maria and I did I am so happy that Austin is happy, I can't even describe it.

I was also priveleged to be able to comfort precious friends during their times of loss this weekend. We spent most of the weekend at the funeral home, but instead of feeling drained, I felt peaceful. God has truly blessed me to be a friend to and minister to so many people. I saw it as an opportunity to serve and love, and embraced it full force.

I also talked to my love, Nena :) and heard some exciting news from her.

I got to see Jennie, Steve and Margaret, Dalton, Pastor Moore and Mrs. Angel, Mrs. Pat, Amanda, Shawn, Joey and Patti.....and a host of other wonderful people who have meant so much to me that I haven't seen in awhile.

Thank you, Lord for great friends and family, for times of refreshing, for answers to prayer. You are awesome!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Weekend's On It's Way

Lovely-Having a weekend coming up that is free of commitments and full of possibilities (and my two favorite people in the world!).

Not so lovely-Working today without my para. It wasn't horrible, but it was SO HARD! The bed is calling my name already!

Lovely-The feeling of fall in the air.

Not so lovely-Lots of thoughts of Brother Scott lately, making me very sad and very homesick for Heaven.

Lovely-Tomorrow is Friday!

Not so lovely-The adversary is after me in ways unlike anything I have ever seen before.

Lovely-This adversity is drawing me into God's Word and into His arms more than ever before! I am reading His Word like a love song, and it's a beautiful thing.

Happy Weekend!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Jesus, Take Me Away

I miss my friend Scott. Really, really badly. It's been 8 months since he passed, but as I watched a video of his family today, the grief covered me like a blanket. My heart aches for his family who is left behind, for the world that is lacking without his presence. For myself, and all of the reasons why his passing hurt me so badly. It doesn't help that I have been going through so many things lately. I love my job. I love my church. I love my family. I love my life. But, not having a job for so long has wreaked havoc on our finances, and we can't seem to get things back on track. At church, we have been given the responsibility of being the music minister, on top of everything else we do. That's not a problem-except the old saying goes-new level, new devil. That's the situation with that. He has even attacked my marriage lately, which really makes me mad!

All of this just makes me want to raise my arms up and say "Jesus, take me away!". My redemption, or something else really big, must be drawing nigh!! I am trusting in God to be in control of everything that is going on in my life. To know that he is charge of my past, present, and future. And that He knows what He is doing and will work all of this out for my good! It just really, really hurts.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Labor Day

Labor Day....

Laying in bed with my babies.
Watching cartoons with little tiny.
Having breakfast with little tiny while Daddy sleeps in.
Dressing Hannah in her cute overalls (three bucks at consignment shop) that I forgot we had. I had time to LOOK through her closet today!!
Having lunch.....with my babies (sensing a pattern?).
Heading to Wal Mart for milk and produce, and looking at twenty random things in the process. (And buying some cute stuff for Hannah).
Time for Facebook, time for blogging.
Time to shower and actually take my time!
Grillin' out with family this evening.
All this family time.

I love today! :)

Saturday, September 04, 2010

I Ask Myself These Questions

How can someone not understand what is wrong with selling your body? (I am not kidding, this was said by a woman in a magazine I was reading!)
How can someone I go to church with "like" MTV's 16 and Pregnant on their Facebook page?
How can people who call themselves leaders not come to prayer meetings?
How can someone think that being artificially insemanated by a gay man and allowing her child to take his "life partner's name" will not bring MAJOR issues into their child's life? (also in a magazine I read).

And then I realize....these are all signs of the times. People are blind, bound, broken, sick....and they don't even know it! It just makes our job as ambassadors for Christ that much more important. We are running out of time, and people are more deceived than ever. Let us pray!!!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Out of Control

I know this is totally random, but as I read Angie Smith's blog, I had an epiphany. I just realized why I HAVE to measure when I cook. And why I HATE flying. I like to be in control! Everything has to be a certain way, so I measure exactly. I hate flying because I am not in control of this huge plane that is flying miles up into the sky, and then dropping me back down to Earth while I white-knuckle the arm rest. No wonder God has so much trouble with me. I want everything to be done by me, my way. He is merciful and wonderful in the way that He loves me and teaches me. Wednesday night the youth had an amazing service. Daniel didn't preach, but the Holy Spirit sure did. We were singing "Wrap Me in Your Arms", and I just felt like I needed to move out of my spot. That I needed to walk around the altar area and pray. I fought and fought and fought. Finally, I did it. Once I was obedient to God, He took control of the service. But, I didn't want to do it. It wasn't inside of the box, it wasn't expected, it wasn't what I was "supposed" to do. I am so glad I listened to Him, though.

God began to move in that place, and speak to me about all kinds of things. One of the things though, was that I had been worrying about my performance at my new job. I wanted everything to be perfect, and I was again, trying to do it all myself! God began speaking to me about trusting Him to give me favor on this job, trusting Him to show me how to do what needed to be done. I am also guilty of putting things into "compartments" or "boxes". God can help me at church and in my family, but He doesn't belong in my teaching career, He doesn't know anything about teaching. Excuse me? He knows EVERYTHING! He created everything!

He also challenged me to play out all of the "what-ifs" that Satan has tried to use to trap me and keep me afraid. He said, "what if you lose this job? What if this is only for a season? What do you think is going to happen, that I am going to leave you out there to fend for yourself? I didn't the last time, I won't now. I will be everything that you need. If you need a job, I will be your job. If you need a paycheck, I'll be your paycheck. If you need a friend, I will be your friend. If you need a father, I'm your father. If you need a husband, I will be your husband. I will be your child. I will be your provider. I will fill every void within your life, and I will never leave you. You can trust me!"

All this time I thought I did trust God, but evidently I was still holding out on Him. That's why this job situation has been so important. Once I realized God was really all I had, I realized He was all I needed. And it has taught me to really trust Him. I am so grateful, tears come to my eyes constantly. I can't stop thanking Him, I can't stop wanting to see more of what this beautiful God is all about. I have realized I've only begun to scratch the surface.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Ohhhhh yes! I forgot to mention, no more working until six o'clock every night! PRAISE THE LORD!

Everything Is About To Change

I have so much to blog about, and so many things to say. I have been SUPER busy lately, and haven't had time to blog. Anytime I would have a moment to myself, and I would think "I can't possibly say everything I need to say in such a short amount of time, I will wait 'til later". I guess later is now. I titled my blog "everything is about to change", because it is. Two weeks ago, I signed a contract to become the lead Pre-K teacher at Childcare Network. This is a state certified Pre-K, which means I will have my salary back! That is going to change SO MANY things for my family by itself. No more collection calls, no more pay this bill this month and maybe next month we can catch up on the other, or skipping certain bills completely. No more worrying about how to pay for Christmas....why do I EVER worry?....or how to pay for Hannah's birthday party. The chance to dream again. Dream of owning our own home, dream of having more babies. One dream that we are beginning to save for now is the dream of taking a family vacation. Next summer, we are going to take Hannah to Disney World. We have had little celebrations here at home, but that will be our big celebration of what God has done for our family! And it will be our chance to vacation by ourselves as our own little family unit. :) Tomorrow is my first day at my new job, and I am so excited!

Another change that I am overjoyed about is the change in our church. For the last few weeks, something has shifted spiritually. We are changing, our worship is changing, our church is changing. The banner team will be ministering two times this month, and we are amazed at how God has used that to bring freedom to our worship. People are becoming excited about coming to church again! They don't want to leave when it's over! Pastor has been preaching on spiritual warfare, and it has been awesome. I know that the revival His word promises is on its way. In fact, I believe that it's already here!

Laura will be ministering in our a.m. service this week, and I CANNOT WAIT! I have always looked up to  and been inspired by her, but to watch her life and see how strong she has been since Scott passed away is amazing. Her life is a testimony to what God can do with a life that is totally surrendered to Him. I am in awe of her and of Him.

I have MUCH more that I want to say, but I hear my sleeping beauty stirring in her bed. Naptime is over. More blogging later.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Face Time

I am in need. I need some good ole fashion face time with the Lord. I have not been in church on a Sunday morning lately for various reasons. I have been sick, or Hannah was sick, or I was working with the kids getting the drama ready for the 4th. I think the devil will use busyness as a way to take our time away from us, time we could be spending with God. On the 4th, I was in church on a Sunday morning. After I was done with all the busyness of choir and children's drama performance, I was able to sit and listen to the message. When we went down to the altar, I heard God speaking to me so clearly. It had been awhile since that happened, too. He began telling me that there isn't much time left, that whatever we are going to do for Him needs to be done now. And then He told me that the end time revival that Scott longed for, prayed for, and waited to see....would be coming to pass. Then He lead me in intercession for people to wake up before time runs out. For strangers, for people who used to go our church, for friends....and for my unsaved family members. Then, I felt a tug on my pants leg. It was my baby girl. :) I love her, and I love being a mommy-but my first priority needs to be God. It's so difficult to push aside all of the things that push and pull you, things that scream out for your attention. I now understand some of the reasons why Scott used to lock himself away. To talk to God, to hear from God, to see God, and to come out changed. I pray that I can find that time with God that I so desperately need.

Friday, July 09, 2010


Hannah has mono. She is sick, I mean really sick. I mean, falling asleep in the car on the way to the dr., throwing up in the waiting room, 103 degree fever sick. As I sat in the exam room with her, and they told me that it wasn't just a simple earache, and that they needed to do some tests, I broke. I sat in the chair with my sleeping, convulsing, terribly feverish 17 month old and wept. After that, I went into protective mommy mode. I gave her the Tylenol that the nurse brought in, held her for the doctor to do all of the obnoxious things they had to do to her, talked to her, sang to her. When all of that was done, I took her downstairs to the pharmacy and got all of her medication. I drove her home, put her to bed, washed the vomit laundry, cleaned all of her cups, cleaned and disinfected her stroller that was the target for her projectile vomit....yikes, and bleached all of her diaper bag toys. Also, called Daddy and told him to bring home a pizza because Mommy was not cooking. Hannah has never been sick, so I have never been to this place. My baby is sick, and I won't feel okay again until she does. My fuse is short, tears come easily, my heart breaks, and people REALLY get on my nerves! LOL Have ya been there?

I am so thankful, though. Thankful for the support of Hannah's Mimi and Nana. I mean, seriously? Dora popsicles? Grandmothers are the coolest! Thankful that my friends and family are praying for my little angel. Thankful that she is feeling better already, after the meds from fabulous Dr. Goodman. I love that man! Deciding on him as Hannah's pediatrician is one of the best things I have ever done. I am thankful that this will be a short-lived situation, and she will get better. This illness has offered me a small window into the lives of the mothers whose children don't get better, the illnesses that aren't shortlived, and having to feel the way I feel right now for a long time. Feeling so out-of-control, helpless, and upset. Those people are my heroes. I know several people who do that every day, but you, more often that not, will find them smiling through it. Amazing! Thank You, Lord for taking care of my daughter when I am unable to.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

This Is Home

I have always been a bit of a homebody. Even as a kid, I would get homesick while at a friend's house, and just want to go back to the comforts of home. Now that I have my own home and my own family, and I work until 6 every night, it has reached a fever pitch. I long to be at home with my little family. To have time to clean my house and play with Hannah, since she is growing up SO fast. Home is also the place where I commune with the Lord most often. I speak to Him, and hear Him speak to me. I know that's also what church is for, but lately it seems like we are missing the point of church. Everyone is in such a hurry to fulfill their obligations to the church that they forget that we are supposed to be there to worship God and talk with Him. We don't slow down long enough to actually hear God's voice. That's a problem. As Christians, church is supposed to be kind of like a home for us. Our sanctuary away from the things of the world, the place where we can run to God and find everything that we need spiritually.

It makes me long for my permanent home in Heaven. The place where everything is as it should be. Where we can talk with God every hour of every day. Where the cares of this world disappear. I want to go to church and find that same thing. I guess the change needs to begin with me, since I am the one who sees the disconnect. It troubles me that no one else seems to notice. Everyone thinks they are doing "the right thing". But, doing the right thing won't bring you closer to God. It won't sustain you when life is falling apart around you. And, it certainly won't get you to Heaven. My heart is longing for home, in so many ways.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Five Months

So, it's been five months since you passed away. Five months ago, the world lost someone extraordinary. We will never be the same because of your life. We will never be the same because of your death. It's been five months, and the world is still spinning around. I really thought the world was coming to an end when I found out you were gone. It just didn't seem right that someone like you was taken from us.

We're still, laughing, loving, serving God, singing the songs you loved to sing, talking with your precious wife, and seeing your beautiful daughter. She looks just like you, you know. A few weeks ago, I went to the dedication of the dorm that they built in your honor. I cried like it was the day you passed away. I miss you, Scott....a lot. I genuinely thought that you would always be here, someone we could count on and turn to always. I anticipated many more visits to your home, many more talks with you and Laura about ministry, many more chances to tell you how much you meant to me. Now I dream of Heaven a little more frequently, thinking about the day when I will meet Jesus face to face, and also reunite with the man who I looked up to (and still do) so much in my walk with God. You're gone but not forgotten, and I pray that your legacy would continue in me, and in all of us that you served and taught with so much love.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


It's Saturday, I'm home with my family, and I'm about to go take a nap. Does it get better than this?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


I am wondering why I can't seem to feel 100% better physically. I am wondering why Hannah is still asleep. I am wondering why I can't find time to blog anymore. I am wondering why it is that I can't just stay here and enjoy the quiet of my house for a few more minutes. Oh yes, I remember, it's called....summer camp. Better known as my Gotta get going, we are bowling today!

Monday, June 07, 2010


Been too busy to post. Job from 9-6 each day, choir, church, banners, children's drama practice, taking care of my child, my house, my husband....leaves very little time for blogging. Plus, Saturday we were gone to a family reunion all day. And this coming weekend, we are going to Tifton for Youth Night at Camp Meeting. So, if you don't hear from me, that's why. Happy Monday!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Can Anyone Hear Me?

I’m staring at these empty walls

Wondering when You’ll visit me again

When will You come?

If there is anything at all

Coming in between our love

Please show me, ‘cuz I am barely hanging on

Can anybody hear me?

The silence is deafening

Why do You feel so far away?

When I know You’re here with me

But I just need faith to see

Nothing can separate me from Your love

Believing what I can’t see

Has never come naturally to me

And I’ve got questions

But I am certain of a Love

Strong enough to hold me when I’m doubting

You’ll never let go of my hand

I will trust in You, even in the moments

I can’t find you, and I will hold on to

Your promises of love

You’ve never failed before

I know You can hear me

When the silence is deafening

Even though You seem far away

And I know You’re here with me

But I just need faith to see

Nothing can separate me from Your love

Better Than A Hallelujah

God loves a lullaby

In a mothers tears in the dead of night

Better than a Hallelujah sometimes.

God loves the drunkards cry,

The soldiers plea not to let him die

Better than a Hallelujah sometimes.

We pour out our miseries

God just hears a melody

Beautiful the mess we are

The honest cries of breaking hearts

Are better than a Hallelujah.

The woman holding on for life,

The dying man giving up the fight

Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes

The tears of shame for what's been done,

The silence when the words won't come

Find More lyrics at

Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes.

We pour out our miseries

God just hears a melody

Beautiful the mess we are

The honest cries of breaking hearts

Are better than a Hallelujah

Better than a church bell ringing,

Better than a choir singing out,singing out.

We pour out our miseries

God just hears a melody

Beautiful the mess we are

The honest cries of breaking hearts

Are better than a Hallelujah

Better than a church bell ringing

better than a choir singin' loud

singin' loud

Love Has Come

Well I know this life is filled with sorrow

And there are days when the pain just lasts and lasts

But I know there will come a day

When all our tears are washed away with a break in the clouds

His glory coming down and in that moment

Every knee shall bow every tongue confess

That god is love and love has come for us all

Every heart set free every one will see

That god is love and love has come for us all

For anybody who has ever lost a loved one

And you feel like you had to let go too soon

I know it hurts to say goodbye

But don't you know it's just a matter of time till the tears are gonna end

You'll see them once again and in that moment

Every knee shall bow every tongue confess

That god is love and love has come for us all

Every heart set free every one will see

That god is love and love has come for us all

Oh and on that day we will stand amazed

At our savior god and king

Just to see the face of amazing grace

As our hearts rise up and sing

Glory glory hallelujah

Thank you for the cross

Singing glory glory

Christ has paid the cost

And every knee shall bow every tongue confess

That god is love and love has come for us all

Every heart set free every one will see

That god is love and love has come for us all

And every knee shall bow every tongue confess

God is love and love has come for us all

Every heart set free every one will see

God is love and love has come for us all

Every knee shall bow every tongue confess

God is love and love has come for us all

Every heart set free every one will see

God is love and love has come for us all

God is Rockin' The House

Okay, so I am cleaning my house...and listening to the Top 20 on my very favorite station....90.7. Well, God is totally rockin' my house!! :) Every song that comes on, I feel the Holy Spirit come into the room and I feel tears well up in my eyes. Thank You, Lord for being so present today. You knew that I needed to be near You today, and you came.

The next few posts are the last three songs that have come on in a row that are exactly what I needed to hear.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

School's Out For....Some Of Us ;)

I start work on Tuesday. Ready? Not! I am excited about it, but I have so much to do between now and then. Drug screen, background check, orientation, buy scrubs, get a hair cut, pay bills, get my house in order, buy groceries, etc., etc. At least I am almost finished with Courtney's room and will not have to work tomorrow. That will help a lot.

I have been reflecting a lot in the last couple of days, and I am amazed at how different my life is than it was at this time last year. Last year, I was heartbroken....scared....mourning what I thought was the end of my dream. This year, I am beginning a new job (after finishing one I really loved). I am looking forward to meeting new kids, teachers, parents. I am seeing my dream being resurrected, but in a different way. God's plan for my life is so beautiful, and yet so totally different than what my plans were. Now, God is teaching me not to make plans on my own, but to bring my petitions to Him, and let Him do the work. When I saw that door close last year, I thought another one would never open. And yet, it has. Even in the times when I thought things were dark, God was blessing me. He got me out of a really bad situation. He provided for my family financially. He allowed me to spend very little time doing a job that didn't involve children, because he knows that working with children is my calling and my passion.I have worked when I have needed to work, had money when my family had a need, and spent a lot of precious time with my little girl who is growing up so fast. So once again, I am praising and thanking God for His amazing presence in my life. For being the force that drives me, the strength that holds me, the grace that teaches me, and the peace that comforts me. He's my provider, my healer, my friend.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Potty training will be on hold this summer. After thinking about it and talking to Daniel (and Hannah's grandparents), I don't think she is quite ready for that just yet. Also, I found out yesterday that I will probably be working full time this summer, so I won't be able to focus on that the way that I want to. Happy last day of school, everyone!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

And it looks like I will be potty training Bugs this summer, too. She took off her wet diaper while I was in the bathroom yesterday, and brought it to me. Sounds like we're ready for the potty!

Welcome, Summer

It's raining! The day before the last day of school. What did I do to make you angry, Lord? ;) Just kidding....sort I could not get out of bed this morning. I am sure part of it was the weather, but it's also summeritis. I feel my body being drawn to my house. To cleaning, organizing, sleeping in (as much as a person with a 16 mo. old can), and to spending time with Hannah. I may only be doing temporary work at my new school this summer, because it sounds like they won't need someone every day. That's okay, too. I will have some money coming in, but will also be able to enjoy my summer.

I am glad to know that I am not getting sick again. When I went to bed last night, I felt like I was coming down with something. Now I know it was part exhaustion, part weather.

Next week, I will sleep in. I will go and get my hair cut. I will take Hannah to the pool. I will go and take care of the background check/drug screening at my new job. I will catch up with friends and family. I will read the Word and spend some real face time with the Lord. I will catch up on laundry and put my house back in order. I will breathe in deep and fully relax.....if only for a minute. Welcome, Summer!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Is This Sad?

Is this sad? It is Monday, and I am already looking forward to the weekend. School is out Wednesday, and we have to work Thursday and Friday, but then we're done. Also, this will be the first weekend in about a month's time that I haven't had anything planned. Church on Sunday of course, but that's it!

I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to some rest and relaxation time. Cooking breakfast on Saturday, lounging around on the couch, play time with Hannah, and maybe I can finally clean my house. I can't wait!! Happy MondaywaitingforFriday, all! :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Moment That Hope Was Born

Separated until the veil was torn

The moment that hope was born

and guilt was pardoned once and for all

Captivated but no longer bound by chains

left at an empty grave

the sinner and the sacred resolved


and all of creation sing with me now

lift up your voice and lay your burden down

and all of creation sing with me now

fill up the heavens let his glory resound

Time has faded and we see him face to face

every doubt erased forever we will worhip the king

the reason we breathe is to sing of his glory

and for all he has done praise the father praise the son and the spirit in one

and every knee will bow oh and every tongue praise the father praise the son and the spirit in one

Friday, May 21, 2010

Best Friends

"Best friend" is a term we throw around lightly as children. Whoever happens to sit next to you in class, or the girl who has the same favorite color as you-is your best friend. As we grow older, however, our qualifications for a best friend change. Especially when you go through trials and valleys in your life. You realize what a blessing from God your true friends can be.

So, today, that's what I am thinking about. My best friend. She has been there for me through thick and thin. She has been on my side, had my back, prayed for me, and loved me when I was unloveable. She encourages me and inspires me to be more as a friend, as a Christian, as a minister. Last night while we were talking, I realized again how dear my best friend is to my heart. I was sharing with her about my new job, and she was happy for me, happy with me. I have been so excited, but haven't gotten much response from other people. She helped me realize again all the reasons why I should be excited about this job. She encouraged me by telling me how happy she thought I would be at this job, and how the lack of money couldn't erase the fact that I will be in a place where I feel secure, loved, and full of purpose. I will be able to love my children (students) and love my job. I won't have to feel stressed out all the time, or feel afraid that I am going to misstep and be put out the door.

I am thankful for that edifying conversation. I am thankful for my best friend. Nena, I love ya. :) Thanks for always being there for me. For being a shoulder to cry on, a kick in the pants when I need it, an encourager, a trusted prayer partner, and a sister in Christ. You're the best.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

This is a song for anyone whose ever been

Knocked down and can't get back again

Stuck in the corner, can't move forward

All alone and you think you're going nowhere

This is a song for anyone whose ever stood underneath the sun

And felt so small, two feet tall and so out of place

He sees you - He knows you - He loves you

And He wants you to know that

The life that you've been living, the days that you've been given

Were made for something beautiful

Life - don't let it pass you by

Because you were created for something beautiful

Heaven holds a dream that's just for you

And there are things only you can do

So step by faith, put the past away so step by faith, don't be afraid

It'll take you to a better day put the past and your fears away

Second to minute to hour to life

Time always seems to fly

It's on the go and before you know

Your days are through

But he sees you - He knows you - He loves you

And he wants you to know that

The life that you've been living, the days that you've been given

Were made for something beautiful

Life - don't let it pass you by

Because you were created for something beautiful

What are - you waiting for

What are you - waiting for

What - are you waiting for

There's something beautiful

Something Beautiful

So, I got the bug. The one that's been going around at my school. You don't actually vomit, but you really wish you could. It's a great I was home all day yesterday, tried to go to church last night, and stayed about 15 minutes. I pretty much slept all day yesterday, so then last night I couldn't sleep. For a minute there, we all wondered if I was pregnant.  I was only half disappointed that I wasn't. Something in me lately has been wanting another child. Hannah is absolutely wonderful, but I feel like our family is still incomplete. We've always wanted our little Noah, and sometimes the urge is strong. I miss being pregnant (sometimes)! I know this is the wrong financial time for us, though. We would have to move into a bigger house, etc., etc. But tell that to my "mommy heart".

I am too much of a "kid person" to stop at one child myself. And Daniel has never wanted Hannah to be an only child. The title of this post is a song that's stuck in my head, but it's also my heartbeat. I want what God wants for my life, and He takes my pieces, my ideas, my "plans"-and works His plan. He turns it into something beautiful. So, we will move into a bigger house...when God says it's time. We will have a bigger church, be paid for our ministry at the church, have jobs and better jobs, and have more children...all in God's timing. I have tried life my way too many times before, and God's way is just so much better!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Looking Forward

I was told today that I am a brave woman to take on a long-term sub job at the end of the school year. I would say that's true. But, I also needed the work. I am enjoying myself, too....getting to have the same group of kids every day and learning about them is wonderful. However, I am really looking forward to summer vacation. How long my vacation will last is still yet to be determined (like I said, I may be working summer camp at my new school!), but at least I will have a day or two to relax....and sleep!!! It is really dawning on the kids at this point that school is almost over. They are really making me work hard to keep up with their energy

One of the girls in my class was asking me today if I was going to be working here next week. I told her that unfortunately I would not, that I have a job lined up at a church preschool. That is when I think it finally hit me. I will be teaching full time next year! I will have my own class with my own "babies", writing my own lesson plans, and getting to know the children and their parents. I will get to see how much they learn and how their development progresses over the course of the year. I will get to celebrate holidays with them, and miss them when school is out. I will get to be a REAL teacher again next year. I AM SO EXCITED!

So, I have much to look forward to. There are also all kinds of exciting things happening at our church, and I can't wait to see what happens next. God has been so good to me, and I know that He always will be.

Monday, May 17, 2010

He'll Do It Again

Well, God came through....again!

I had my interview at a Christian school on Friday, and I actually felt the presence of the Lord in the interview. I was able to fully communicate my love for children and teaching (something I have struggled to do in the past, when things run that deep-it's hard for me to put it into words). The interview was a full-time Pre-K teaching position, and there's a possiblity of working the summer program as well, so that I can get paid in the summertime! I am pretty sure that I got it, the director and I really hit it off. She has to get me (and my pay rate) approved by the board of the church, but other than that, I GOT IT! I am so excited!

Then, last night I was randomly checking my e-mail. I e-mailed someone at the Board of Education office almost two weeks about my certification. To make a long story short, I was about to lose my certification because I am not working full time/taking continuing education classes. Anyway, I got the reply e-mail, and it said that they had just changed the requirement for re-certification. For the next five years, there isn't a professional learning requirement! You just have to fill out the paperwork, and you will be re-certified. :) I was dancing all over the place. I felt as though God had done that just for me. I am so excited, ecstatic, overjoyed, and grateful for how He has seen me through these trials....and He'll do it again...and....again...and again. He loves me (and you) that much. Happy Monday!

Saturday, May 15, 2010




Sleeping in.

Cuddle time with Hannah.

Reading stories with Hannah.

Catching up on Facebook.

Having time to put clean sheets on the bed.

Getting laundry and cleaning done.

Hanging out with Daniel.

Subway for lunch.

Dinner/game night with friends.

Tomorrow will be Sunday. :)

Friday, May 14, 2010


Can I just say I'm grateful? Today is one of those days where the amount of blessings you have just overwhelm you, and you smile all day long. Here's a few reasons why.....

I have the best husband in the world. He helped me get so many things done last night.
We had a wonderful dinner together with our sweet Hannah.
It's Friday.
I am working at one of the best schools in town....and I get to be here until the last day of school!
I have a job interview today.
I got a really good night's sleep.
We are having dinner with Mom tonight.
Tomorrow is Saturday, and I will get to sleep in for awhile...then wake up and have breakfast with the cutest little girl I've ever seen.
God loves me, and finds some way to shine on me every day.
Life is good.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Heals My Lonely Soul

Do you believe it's true

It all depends on you?

If you were to fall down

We wouldn't know what to do

I'm a lonely soul

I'm a lonely soul

When I think I'm alone

I want to be the moon cause it reflects the sun

Don't want to be the star that shines on everyone

I want to be with you 'cause you're the only one

Who heals my lonely soul

Have you ever got

Everything you want?

Did you fake a grin

And feel you lose when you win?


This week has been busy!! We are preparing for Pastor Appreciation, getting the banner worship team started, I am still working my long term job, and I am working on a children's drama for July 4th! This, along with all the other daily life activities of a wife and mother.....if you are a wife and mother, you know how much that involves!

The exhaustion is setting in. Yesterday, it was annoyingly, bone-crushingly present. I looked at Daniel and said, "It's like I just ran out of gas.". I physically could not do another thing...and my head started throbbing. My wonderful husband looked at me and said "I'll cook dinner!". Hurray for my husband! After I had dinner, I felt better.  Some of my strength returned and I was able to wash the dishes, get Hannah and myself ready for church, go to church, get home, and put her to bed. Then I crashed! Today, I am feeling much better. I am still very ready for the weekend to arrive so that I can sleep in a little bit, though. I have school until 2:30, then I have errands to run, tutoring to do, Hannah to pick up, lunch to make for tomorrow, dinner to cook, dishes to wash, bath to give, teeth to brush, and stories to read.

Yesterday, Mom was telling me that she was praying that God would remove the things that I don't need to be doing, and leave the things He wants me to do. I told her that the tough part is, I need to be doing all of it! All of it is my responsibility, until such time that our church grows and we have more people willing to be in charge of things. So, you can pray for two things...pray that I will have the time to do all the things that I need to get done....and pray that God will send laborers to our church. We desperately need more people so that the same five folks don't have to do everything!

Please know that this is the place where I vent. I know that I am being heard, because I read the words back to myself, and I feel better. :)  I am not in any way, shape, or form unhappy with my life. I am enormously grateful for the ALL of the blessings in my life. But every lady needs rest some time. My "some time" is now! LOL I just need a good nap and some time at the feet of my Saviour. Then, all will be right with the world again. Have a great day, all.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

There are so many things I want to post about. This was the most wonderful Mother's Day weekend of my life. Of course, this was only my second Mother's Day as a mother, so I am sure it will only get better from here.

First of all, Friday night we began our banner worship class at the church. It was wonderful. Then on Saturday morning, Daniel helped me with everything that needed to be done to get us back to the church, then bought us breakfast to top it off.  Saturday's class was even better than Friday's. We didn't just have class, we had an encounter with God. Afterward, we went home, ate lunch, and the grandmothers and myself went out to shop for "banner worship team attire" for Sunday. Daniel stayed home with Hannah while she was napping. When we got home, I got ready to go out with my sweet husband. And my mom watched Hannah for us....thanks, Nana!

Daniel took me to Jacksonville, let me look around in a dozen stores, try things on, and buy nothing. He listened to me talk about the woes of being a plus-sized lady, the yards of ugly fabric they try to drape us in, and how I should start my own plus-sized clothing line. He listened to me talk about school, church, family, friends, etc., etc. He didn't just listen though, he responded. He is so interested in every little thing that makes me who I am....and that is why I think my husband is God's gift to the world....and more specifically, to me. :) Then we had dinner at Olive favorite restaurant in the world. After dinner, went to a few more stores...I finally bought some things! When we left, we talked all the way home.

Yesterday, Daniel made breakfast for us and got Hannah dressed for church. The service was beautiful, we had a great time. After church, Daniel cooked lunch for us and our parents (minus the two who don't live here in town, that is). He served our food, put Hannah down for a nap, washed the dishes, and balanced the checkbook. He did everything he could to make this weekend as fun and stress-free as possible for me. It was awesome! So, to my husband, thank you. This was the best Mother's Day ever. I love you!

 I also enjoyed lots of Hannah time yesterday, which is always great. She was so cute in her little pink dress, smiling and giving me lots of kisses. And the best part was, I told her at the lunch table that I loved her-and as clear as a bell, she said-"Love you". It was the sweetest thing ever! I love that girl!

So, I am back at work today and on cloud nine thinking about my wonderful weekend with my wonderful family. Happy Monday!

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Inner Strength

Some of the "blog sisters" I read were challenging us to share where we find inner strength during trials. Here goes....

In my relationship with God.

In my faith in His word.

In the laughter of my daughter.

In the arms of my husband.

In the eyes of the children I teach.

In the prayers of my friends.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

There Is A God

Today has been one of those days. Actually, this has been one of those weeks. Not bad, just busy! Work (a couple of sub jobs this week), errand running, laundry, cleaning house, tutoring, church, taking care of Hannah, cleaning the church, working on the bulletin. And it's about to get even more busy. I got that maternity leave sub job at Sterling! I start on Monday. I will be there for four weeks, which qualifies me for long-term sub pay. I won't be tacky and a give a basically for four weeks, I will make 2 times what I have been making. This will be reflected in my May and June paychecks. Which means I WILL have a paycheck in June, which will give me time to look for a summer job! There is a God! Like I had any doubt before. ;)

The only thing faith is rising up....wanting me to expect more than just this four week job. Then Satan sticks his ugly nose into it....and tells me I shouldn't get my hopes up. God didn't deliver the last time you got a long-term job....look at the economy....they are cutting jobs...this is a small were terminated and told to come back in a couple of years, it's only been one year. You know what I hear him saying (?)'re not worth're not can't....they won't. I'm not hearing any more about it! I am going to trust God to perfect His will in my life. I am going to let my faith rise up and tell me that maybe this will be the time when God decides to answer my prayers and give me a full-time teaching job again. And if He doesn't, I am going to trust Him to know what He's doing in my life. I am going to remember that He sees the whole picture, and I only see a very small part of my journey. I am going to remind myself every day who is really in charge here.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Part Two

Okay, this long story is getting really looooong. Lemme try to finish up by giving the highlights.

After Johnny left, my world kinda fell apart. What I knew and the person that I was all changed at once. I got into a relationship that was emotionally, physically, and spiritually detrimental to me. But even in the midst of all that, God called my name again. I don't know how long the relationship with that guy went on before this, but I do remember a particular day very clearly. I was riding in the car with my mom and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul" came on the radio. I always used to describe that as my song with God. That was "our song". When I heard it, I knew it was time for me to return to Him. And that day was the beginning of coming back to who I really am.

When Scott came to our church, I was still working my way back to that fearless, "Jesus freak girl" from high school. I had determined when Brother Johnny left that I would never be that close to a youth pastor again, because it hurt so much when they left. I think I fell even harder for Scott and Laura than I had for Johnny and Sheri...but I digress. I was having some "relationship troubles" with whichever guy it was that I was dating at the time (sad that something that was important at the time really isn't now). The important thing was, this guy and I were struggling with our relationship. And I went to Scott about it. I don't remember exactly what he said to me, but I do remember him talking about our purpose and about what our lives are really supposed to be about. I didn't understand everything that he said because he was so on a different spiritual level than I was. But I was intrigued and inspired by what he said. Shortly thereafter, I broke off the relationship and began really seeking after God. I began working for Scott and Laura, getting very involved in ministry at the church, and figuring out who God wanted me to be. (Also, beginning in my high school years, Daniel and I were friends. He was always there for me. Satan tried to come in between that relationship many times, and almost succeeded a few times. But God had bigger plans for us.)

I was just struck today by how many times God rescued many times I should have lost it all. How many times Satan tried to "derail" me, and couldn't. He still tries it. He just tried when Scott passed away. He also tried when I lost my job. He tried to get me to lose hope, lose faith, and turn my back on God. He has tried to destroy me so many times because he knows that God has great plans for me. But each time he tries to come against me, it's just like the Bible says, "the Spirit of the Lord raises up a standard against him". God may let him try and test me, but he won't allow him to take me out spiritually. God will finish the good work He began in me. I can't wait to see what His plans are.
He has already restored my relationship with my dad, given me a wonderful husband and a beautiful child. He has given us a ministry (or two) in our church, and has blessed us beyond measure in so many other ways. I am forever grateful that He saw who I was and still recognized potential in me.

Beautiful, Beautiful

"Don't know how it is You looked at me, and saw the person that I could be."-Francesca Battistelli

These words are lyrics from one of my favorite songs right now. But they are so much more. Ever looked back on your life and been amazed that God would choose you? You with all your flaws, quirks, annoying habits....errr...charms. Today I was thinking about Scott (big surprise there, I am sure). That led me to thinking about the youth pastor we had before Scott. I never mention him on here, but he was awesome. That led me to thinking about my life before and after that youth pastor. Which led me to thinking about my testimony/story in general. And I was once again amazed by God's hand on my life. I have usually marked my spiritual journey beginning the night I got saved. But, it really began long before that.

First of all, I was born to two teenagers. They hadn't a clue what they were doing...but wow, did they love me. My dad loved me enough to give me a name instead of leaving me as an illegitimate child. That in itself was a wonderful blessing, and one of many reasons that I legally changed my middle name to my maiden name when I married Mr. Wonderful....aka Daniel....aka Hannah's Daddy :) But after I was given a name and began to grow, things changed. My mom and dad decided to part ways. My dad joined up with the Navy, and he wasn't around much. Partly because he was working, and partly because it was just too hard I think. Thus began a lifetime of wanting to be accepted by men in my life. I had a stepdad who seemed to fill that void, but really caused a lot of other emotional scars with his anger and addiction. He did however bring me a little brother, who taught me so much about how to love and how to be a mommy. My brother's dad did end up forcing us out of our home to move in another woman and her children. More rejection, really?! My mom remarried after that, and my new stepdad and I didn't quite get along. We moved around alot with his job, but when we finally came back home, I told my mom I wanted us to go to church. We went back to our home church, which was a Methodist church. I got involved, but something was still missing. The mere fact that a teenager would ask to go to church on a regular basis is one of the first clues that God had a plan for my life.

But first, girl doesn't get approval from father, girl seeks approval from guys, girl gets hurt again and again. I wasn't sexually active, but I gave way too much of myself away. What was left of my heart got really torn up in this process. Then, when I was sixteen, we started attending a Pentecostal church at the urging of my aunt. As soon as my mom had visited a few times, we got a visitor at our house. It was the youth pastor of the church coming to visit myself and my brother. I was very taken aback. Why would this man come to visit me and my brother, kids he doesn't even know? Truth is, he loved us already...and he didn't even know us. Our own dads didn't have time for us, but this man wanted to spend time with us, to love us? I was skeptical, but very interested.

We began attending the youth group there, and got to know Brother Johnny. He was the greatest guy in the world in my eyes. He loved myself and my brother, and all of the other youth kids...and also his own kids at home! I was amazed! I did anything and everything Johnny and his wife Sherry wanted me to do. They would let me help get the church ready for Wednesday services, help shop for parties/games/sermons, babysit their kids, spend the night at their house. They taught me so much about having love and compassion towards others. During this time, I accepted the Lord as my personal Saviour during a drama presentation called Heaven's Gates and Hell Flames, that our church put on. The Taylors taught me alot about what it meant to be saved, also. I maintained a very strong relationship with God during my high school years, and they helped me through all of it....and my mom helped, of course. :)

Then we heard that the Taylors were moving away, that Johnny had been offered a senior pastor job out of town. I was crushed. The only man who had ever really been there for me was leaving. I went and visited them a few times at their new home and new church, but this was about the time that I began drifting out of the church and my relationship with God. Johnny had made me feel like I had a place and a home in our youth group, and when he left I felt alone. I was so hurt and brokenhearted about them leaving, that I pretty much left the church myself. I got involved with a guy that was definetely unsaved and unchurched, and started acting the way he acted and doing what he did.

Even then, God was still calling me.

**I will have to finish this later, Hannah decided it wasn't nap time yet.**

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I watched Amish Grace again tonight and was struck once again by this quote...I wanted to write it down somewhere so I won't forget it.

"Faith when everything is as you want it to be is not true faith. It is only when our lives are falling apart that we have the chance to make our faith real."

I talked about the faithfulness of God and how He was my provider...but only when I lost my job and didn't know where money was going to come from was my faith tested and His faithfulness proved.

I talked about God being a healer. It was only when Scott passed away and the deep, gaping hole was opened that I began to understand that "healed" has different meanings in different situations, and that God doesn't cease to be God just because I don't understand (or don't like) His answer to my prayers.

I have felt guilty in the past year for doubting God....for my faith being tested.....tried....even faltering in my faith sometimes. I questioned my beliefs...I questioned God....I was angry with Him...I felt that He let us down. But this quote from the movie, along with the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures, and God's grace....reminded me that it's okay to "wander" in the spiritual desert for a little while. Because on the other side of the desert is more of God's love, more faith, more understanding of what He is all about. I know that my faith has grown through these trials, so though they hurt (even now), I thank God for them. They have shown me that I do have a measure of faith and that God is helping it to grow each and every day.

Friday, April 23, 2010

I Miss My Friend

Tonight is the Relay for Life. Hannah and I went to have lunch with Daddy at his "Promotion Party" at work. We drove down Altama on the way back because I was planning to stop at Winn Dixie. We were sitting at the red light next to the fairgrounds, and I saw the signs for Relay and started thinking about tonight. Suddenly, I began to cry and flashed back to the moment I stepped into Scott's funeral. I lost it as soon as I walked into the tabernacle! As I thought back to that today, I panicked! I thought "I can't do this. What was I thinking signing up to pray at Relay for Life only a few months after his passing?" So, I am asking for prayers....there are only a few people who read my, if you're reading it today....please pray for me. Pray that I won't go out there and become a blubbering idiot....that I will be able to put my own pain aside and pray for these dear people who are still fighting the battle against cancer.

And pray for the survivors...and the friends and family of those who weren't so lucky....and the volunteers who will be out there praying for all of them. Pray that God will give us compassion and love towards each person we come into contact with. Pray that unsaved people would "see Jesus" in us.

I am hoping that tonight will be another step in the grieving process of accepting that our brother is gone from our sight...for a little while. This blog is also really helping me to grieve for Scott and "get out" some of the hurt. Writing about him....whatever I want to write...whenever I want to write long or short or disjointed/confusing as I want to write :)....helps a lot. As I said, not many people read this blog, so it's really just a place for me to work through the hurt. I have a hard time putting things into words a lot of times, but I can write about them and get them out. I miss you, my friend. I look forward to serving God through serving people, just like you always did. Your legacy continues on in me...and so many others.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

For Only He Is God

I am just so grateful for the way God does things. The way He moves in my life, in the life of my family. For the subtle things He does, for the BIG things He does. For the way He is moving in our church. Slowly, quietly....but deliberately. He has a plan for us. Even when we don't understand, even when we don't like it, even when he feel like giving up because He seems to move so slowly. He keeps working His plan. I'm glad He is God and that He is in control. He is so much better at it than I would be.
I know that this is a very random post, but I was standing in my kitchen and just felt a wave of glory hit me. Why? Nothing big and earthshattering has happened, my situations haven't changed all that much. But I feel that something is about to change. I feel that something big is coming. But it's more than a feeling. It's knowing that God is standing right there beside me through it all. My life is good because He is my God, and my God is good.

A couple of praise reports....I have a pretty big cleaning job next week that's gonna bring in some money for us.
Daniel got a raise yesterday.
Dianna and Rene came and spoke to our group last night, and it was wonderful. And as far as our students go, I don't see a lot changing in their situations right now. But the atmosphere on Wednesday nights has changed. The expectancy, the attitude, the relationships have changed. Those are all signs that God is moving, and I thank Him for that.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Hilarious thought for the day....I was running rampant around the house trying to get some things done before an important phone call I was expecting, and Hannah was in to everything! I decided to let her go down to her grandparents' house to play so that I could get my work done. Suddenly, everything was getting done, and so quickly! I thought to myself "Things really seem to get done quicker when Little Tiny is not around. But I wouldn't trade her for all the free time in the world. And I think that's why God gave children grandparents, so the parents don't have to choose!" :)

I sang "I Bowed on my Knees and Cried Holy" yesterday at church, and all I could see was Scott's face! I cried as I sang, and thought about my precious friend up there in Heaven with Jesus. Today, I signed up for our time to work the Prayer Tent at Relay For Life this coming weekend. I am really excited about that, I wanted to do something special to honor his life and the good fight that he fought. I am also going to sing "Healed" at church on Sunday. I sang that song when he was really getting sick and we weren't sure what was going to happen. I declared to our church before I sang that song that it was for Scott and that I knew he would be healed. I think I will be singing that song this time as a testimony to myself more than anyone else. I need to remind myself that God is our healer...that Jesus took those stripes so that we would be healed...that God is sovereign, even when things go terribly wrong. And that Scott is healed, just not in the way that my finite mind can understand. Have a great Monday, everyone. And tell the people you love, that you love them. We are not promised tomorrow.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jehovah Jireh

I am up way too early on this Saturday morning. And my little tiny is still asleep! This week turned out pretty well. I cleaned a house on Wednesday, and subbed Thursday and Friday. God is still providing, helping me to piece income together, and allowing me lots of quality time with Hannah. He's good like that. Since I am awake and the house is silent, I am thinking alot. We are having a big birthday dinner over here tonight to celebrate my mom and I need to get things ready, but I just want to sit in the silence for now.

I am thinking about how blessed I am, and how easily I forget that. I am thinking about this hunger that I am feeling for MORE of God, and how glad I am that I feel that way. This November, I will have been saved for 14 years....that's pretty amazing. I have been walking with the Lord for this long and still feel so alive, so grateful, so in love with my Saviour. As I said in my last post though, God is making me aware of how much time we waste. How much more we could have with Him that we just don't take the time to tap into. We're too tired, too busy, too stubborn...I'm not sure what it is. Maybe we are afraid. And each time I think about this, I think about the one person I knew personally who was not afraid to seek God with everything he was worth. That was Scott Harvell to a "T". Once he got saved, he didn't waste one minute becoming a sold-out follower of Christ, and trying to get as many with him as possible.

Next weekend Daniel and I are working the Way Radio prayer tent at Relay For Life. I wanted to do something special at Relay this year to honor Scott's memory. To let him know (even though he's not here) or maybe to let myself know, that his life meant alot to me. That his influence is still being manifested in my life. That his passion for God was like a fire that consumed each person who got to know that precious man of faith. This is one of my ways of giving back to someone who gave so much to me. To minister hope and love to people who are going through the battle of their lives. At first I didn't think I was going to do it. I felt that I was unprepared and unworthy of such a special job. But then I decided to "do it afraid" and let God take care of it. I know it's going to be an awesome time, and I am so excited. Have a great Saturday, everyone.

This picture was taken at the Relay For Life in Douglas last night, where Laura and her church celebrated Scott.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Take Me All The Way

I'm not really sure how it happens. Suddenly, you're just living life. You're just going through the motions. First, God does something (or alot of things) that you can't explain. You are blown away, exhilarated, changed, inspired. And happens. Bills, laundry, diapers, dishes, jobs *or lack of jobs*, cooking, friends, family, etc., etc. And you feel stuck. Dry....lifeless....dead. We had the most amazing service last Wednesday night. I experienced things with God that I never have. But then, by Sunday, I felt completely different. Drained....out of it.....tired.

Last night, we had a good service. Daniel challenged us to live our purpose, live out loud. But something was missing. I found myself praying that God would help me not to just go through the motions of life. Ever since Scott died, I have been keenly aware of the disconnect between what we are and what God wants us to be. How we worship and live, and how He wants us to do those things. God is showing me that there is more to Him than we have ever imagined, ever even tried to obtain. When He comes into the church, it's almost like we are wasting His potential. He could do so much in those moments with us, but we limit Him. We let Him do what we are comfortable with or what we have time for. If we would allow Him to, He could do something real and relevant. He could send revival to our church, to our country. And He wants to. I asked Him to send us out from church each time looking just a little bit more like Him. If we don't....I don't really see the point of going to church. I don't see the point of seeking Him....if we're not going to wait around long enough to find Him. But His word says that those who hunger and thirst after righteousness shall be filled. And that if we seek Him, we will find Him. I want to experience His glory. I want to see what He's all about. I want to know who He REALLY IS. Not what He can do for me, but what I can do for Him. What He wants me to do for Him. And I want to worship Him in the truest, simplest, and yet most beautiful sense of the word. I want to look into His face, and see Him. I am tired of dead, dry, lifeless religion. It doesn't satisfy, and it never will.

This might hurt

It’s not safe

But I know that I’ve gotta make a change

I don’t care

If I break

At least I’ll be feeling something

‘Cause just ok

Is not enough

Help me fight through the nothingness of life

I don’t wanna go through the motions

I don’t wanna go one more day

Without Your all consuming passion inside of me

I don’t wanna spend my whole life asking

What if I had given everything?

Instead of going through the motions

No regrets

Not this time

I’m gonna let my heart defeat my mind

Let Your love

Make me whole

I think I’m finally feeling something

Take me all the way

Take me all the way

Take me all the way

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

One Of Those Days

I have been having "one of those days" for the past couple of days. Just struggling/questioning/wondering. I am tired. I am nostalgic. I am restless. A few things I have been meditating on lately....

As long as there's breath, there's hope.

Focus on the things that matter.

Take one day at a time.

The joy of the Lord is my strength.

God is with me...every breath, every moment, every thought.

I am blessed. I may not have everything I want, but I have what I need....and more.

Friday, April 02, 2010

It's Friday but Sunday is Coming

Nothing’s sacred, the days are cheap.

Truth is thin on the ground.

Still our prophets are crucified.

Nobody believes they’re stumblin'.

It’s Friday, but Sunday is comin'.

Someone’s saying a prayer tonight

For a hungry mouth to be fed.

Someone kneels in the dark somewhere;

Darkness is already crumblin'.

Yeah, it’s Friday, but Sunday comes.




It’s not so far, it’s not so far away.



It’s not so far, it’s not so far away.

Broken promises, weary hearts,

But one promise remains:

Crucified, He will come again.

It’s Friday, but Sunday is comin'.

Yeah, it’s Friday, but Sunday is comin'!

Darkness is already crumblin'.

It’s Friday, but Sunday is comin'.

Yeah, it's Friday, but Sunday is comin'.

Can you feel it?

Here it comes.



It's not so far, it's not so far away.



It's not so far, our God will have His day!

Thursday, April 01, 2010

If You Want Me To

The pathway is broken

And the signs are unclear

And I don't know the reason why You brought me here

But just because You love me the way that You do

I'm gonna walk through the valley

If You want me to

No I'm not who I was

When I took my first step

And I'm clinging to the promise You're not through with me yet

So if all of these trials bring me closer to You

Then I will go through the fire

If You want me to

It may not be the way I would have chosen

When You lead me through a world that's not my home

But You never said it would be easy

You only said I'll never go alone

So when the whole world turns against me

And I'm all by myself

And I can't hear You answer my cries for help

I'll remember the suffering Your love put You through

And I will go through the darkness

If You want me to

When I cross over Jordan, I'm gonna sing, gonna shout

Gonna look into your eyes and see you never let me down

So take me on the pathway that leads me home to you

And I will walk through the valley if you want me to

Yes, I will walk through the valley if you want me to

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Beach Day

I had a great time at the beach today with Hannah. We didn't stay long, because I didn't want either of us to get fried by the sun. It took her a minute to decide if the sand was okay or not, and the water was really cold so we didn't go in. Once she decided the sand was acceptable, she had a blast. She dug with the shovel and dumped sand in and out of buckets. She ate some sand *yuck* and dumped the whole bucket of sand out on her head one time. We had a wonderful time! 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


We are headed to Jesup tonight for another service at Jesup COG...Eddie James is going to be there! He is a personal favorite of mine, I cannot wait! These are some pics of Hannah feeding herself with a spoon. She is such a big girl! Once again, I am so grateful to have this time at home with her.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Look Up

Saturday night I was talking to my friend Anita about all of the stuff that the believers are going through. And I began talking about the fact that Satan really believes that he is winning this battle, and he's got some of us convinced of the same thing! And I started talking to her about what the book of Revelation says about his future (and ours). I remembered a lot of the things it said, but I felt the need to go back and read it again, since it had been awhile. What I read amazed me once again! Then Sunday, our pastor was talking about all of the signs of His coming that we are seeing in the world. He told us to go through the chapter about the signs (Luke 21), and see if we couldn't check off every one!

And they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign [will there be] when these things shall come to pass?

And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am [Christ]; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass; but the end [is] not by and by.
Then said he unto them, Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom:
And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there be from heaven.
But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute [you], delivering [you] up to the synagogues, and into prisons, being brought before kings and rulers for my name's sake. Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

I highlighted a bunch of them for you, and there are more I didn't copy and paste, because it's very long. Go, and read it for yourself. Some people may call me an "alarmist" or a "fanatic" for saying all of this, but either we believe in the Word of God, or we don't. We can't pick and choose which Scriptures are truth. I believe that every word in that book is true, and I intend to live by it. Last night, we went to hear Sister Jan Aldridge at Homerville COG. She was also talking about the signs of the times, and that we need to be prepared, not asleep. She spoke about the ten virgins in the Scriptures, when the bridegrooms came, five were ready. But five were not. My focus immediately went to the five who were not ready. They started out waiting on his return, their lamps full of oil, their spirits ready. But at some point, they forgot to wait, watch, anticipate his return. They became weary, and they fell asleep. When the bridegroom came, they ran around begging for oil, begging for someone to help them. But no one could. Sister Jan talked about the believers in the church who have fallen asleep, who will miss the coming of the Lord. How they will run to the church, begging for help...but no one will be there to help them. Yes, they can still become saved after the Rapture takes place, but it will be much harder. Namely because the Holy Spirit will be gone. AGH, that hurts my heart! It hurts because I know there are people who I love dearly who will not make it if they don't turn to God NOW! So, if you know you're not right with God, go to church tomorrow or kneel down RIGHT NOW and ask Jesus to come into your heart. If you're not sure if you're ready to go, FIND OUT! Talk to God, ask Him to search your heart and reveal to you what's inside it. Allow Him to change you while there is still time for Him to do it. I know that I am ready to go (because I ask God every day), and I know that He is coming, so now I need to know that the people I love are going to go with me. Look up, your redemption draweth nigh.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Awaken Our Hearts

Oh little town of Bethlehem

Looks like another silent night

Above your deep and dreamless sleep

A giant star lights up the sky

And while you're lying in the dark

There shines an everlasting light

For the King has left His throne

And is sleeping in a manger tonight, tonight

Oh Bethlehem, what you have missed while you were sleeping

For God became a man

And stepped into your world today

Oh Bethlehem, you will go down in history

As a city with no room for its King

While you were sleeping

Mary shivers in the cold

Trying to keep the Savior warm

Born among the animals wrapped in dirty rags

Because there was no room for Him in the world He came to save

United States of America

Looks like another silent night

As we're sung to sleep by philosophies

That save the trees and kill the children

And while we're lying in the dark

There's a shout heard 'cross the eastern sky

For the Bridegroom has returned

And has carried His bride away in the night

America, what will we miss while we are sleeping

Will Jesus come again

And leave us slumbering where we lay

America, will we go down in history

As a nation with no room for its King

Will we be sleeping

Will we be sleeping

United States of America

Looks like another silent night

I know in my heart that time is running out and that the end of days is coming. I feel it, I see it, I hear it, I read about it in God's word. My heart is breaking, knowing that people who I love are not ready. My heart is breaking, knowing that people are spiritually asleep, and do not feel/sense/discern His return! I want to be ready, and I want to take as many people with me as I can.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

It Will Come True

This is an excerpt from my study bible...I didn't write it! :)

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. Revelation 21:1

We sense it at rare moments. The first real day of spring, when the air is heavy with the scent of blooms and new life sprouts everywhere. Or even in winter, when an unexpected snowstorm clothes a gray, dingy city in pure white. Or when we watch a baby animal at play in the zoo. Or remember the first sudden twinge of romantic love.

This world may be full of pollution, war, crime, and hate. But inside us, all of us, linger remnants that remind us of what the world could be like-of what we could be like. The Old Testament prophets dreamed of "that day" when creation would be made new. And those sensations, following a dismal monotone of predicted catastrophes, burst out of the last few chapters of Revelation. That perfect world is not merely a dream; it will come true.

I was talking to one of my friends who has gone through trial after trial after trial lately. And I was telling her what the Word said about the times we are living in. And I told her that it seems like Satan is having his way with God's people right now, and maybe he is. But every dog has his day, and soon Satan is going to pay for what he has done to us. He is not going to prevail, no matter how much it may look that way sometimes. Then, I went to my favorite study bible to look a little closer at those Scriptures in Revelation, and I saw the posting above. Satan DOES NOT WIN, God's PEOPLE DO!  I have more to say on this topic, but my husband is waiting on me to watch a movie with him. I hope everyone has a wonderful Sabbath tomorrow! Loves!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Introspection and Updates

I was just looking over some of my blogs, and I realized that I had been posting really requirely until I got so busy with work this week. Not a bad problem to have, but it leaves little time for introspection. I love my quiet time with the Lord. I love when I hear Him telling me things, and they are so brilliant that I have to get online and share them with you....btw, is anyone out there actually reading this? Oh well, it helps me to write it either way.

Today I am thinking about the memorial service I went to last night. For Landen....he didn't make it 24 hours in this world. So sad. As I watched his young parents stand before us and tell us all that it's okay. (Seriously, you are telling me it's okay? I should be telling you that!) Their strength just amazed me. His mommy actually stood up in the choir and her son's funeral. I couldn't do that...I wouldn't do it. That is one time I would refuse to feel guilty for not serving the church. I don't know that I would have as good an attitude as she has, either. I imagine myself kicking, screaming, yelling, crying, and asking "WHY WHY WHY?". Maybe that's why she is her and I am me. God knows who can handle what. And He never puts more on us than we can bear. I think, actually I know-I would rather go through the job/financial hardship I am going through 100 times than go through what Gabrielle and JT are going through. That's why I told them last night that they are my new heroes.

Last night was wonderful in one respect though. I got to see all of my ALF buddies. I miss them SO much! Especially in the uncertain times that my family is going through. They wrap me up in a big group hug and don't let me go! They make me feel so loved and so important. And bonus....our precious Laura was there! *SQUEAL* I love her. :)

We are (hopefully) going to have an opportunity to help a friend and make some money this weekend. Still waiting to hear about that. We were given a $100 grocery store gift card!! And had dinner out/grocery items bought for us this week as well. My mom is going to get some things for Hannah this weekend, and Billy is giving me money to shop a sack sale at my favorite kids' consignment store this weekend. God is still blessing us, I always like to give those praise reports as they come. And thanks be to Him, they have been coming ALOT for us. He's so good, it brings tears to my eyes. He brings joy to my heart. He makes me want to be more and do more, because He is so wonderful! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, I know I plan to! Weekends are family time, and I love that so much. I have been missing my Hannah Bug these last few days. I need to post pics soon, she is growing so fast! And walking so fast. Happy Friday!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

This Week

So, when this week is over I will have logged three days of subbing and two days of tutoring. Not bad. :) Definetely 100% better than what I expected. Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

God Is Here

Come and lay down, the burdens you have carried. For in this sanctuary, God is here. -Martha Munizzi

Nothing has changed, except my attitude about my circumstances. Sunday was one of the most awesome days I have ever experienced at MCCOG, or anywhere for that matter. I knew God was there, I knew He was listening, I knew He cares about my situation. And I know it was real, because it is still with me. After things didn't change (yet), after knowing that I have two funerals to go to for children this week :(, after a leader of our church walked away, after grief about Scott surfaced again and tried to overtake me. I will share with you my version of Sunday morning's sermon, and that will give you an inkling as to why I knew God was speaking to me on Sunday.

I don't have a job....but God is still here.

I can't pay my bills....but God is still here.

My heart is broken....but God is still here.

The world is a mess....but God is still here.

My friend is gone...but God is still here.

A church leader left...but God is still here.

Abby has been very sick...but God is still here.

My friends were in a car accident last week, and they don't know if their vehicle can be fixed....but God is still here.

Gabrielle's baby passed away...but God is still here.

I have lost family members....but God is still here.

---No matter what comes....God is still here. He will never leave us, nor forsake us. He will always be with us. And knowing that, I can make it. Knowing that, I believe my prayers will be answered. He was born on time, He died on time, He was resurrected on time, He will meet my needs on time, and He will return for His bride....ON TIME!

Saturday, March 06, 2010


Come to me, all you who labor and are heavyladen-and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

I am physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially exhausted.

I also know that I am loved, blessed, cherished, prayed for, cared about, provided for, blessed, and highly favored. So, I will make it.

I have been on edge all day long. I kept asking myself why my fuse has been so short. And then the Holy Spirit said to me "You are in the desert, you are walking through the fire. You're going to have days like this, and it's okay. I am still with you." When we are weak, God is strong. When we can't seem to get it right, he gives us mercy. I am thankful to Him that the people in my life extend that same mercy to me. :) Daniel and I were talking about our options in our current situation again today, and I just feel like I am backed into a corner, and I CANNOT find my way out. Lord, I need some relief. I need something to happen that is not just a ray of hope, but an actual solution to the problem. I need You to move like I have never seen You move before, and we will give You glory for doing what man cannot do.

Friday, March 05, 2010

We Win Because of You

You can't bring me down, devil. God's been too good, and He won't quit now. I WIN!!!

I am having a wonderful day, getting a lot accomplished since I am not working today. Got one bill cut in half, and an extension on another bill until May. I have a tutoring session this afternoon, which means more money for us! Looking forward to cooking dinner for Nena, Chris, and Daniel-then heading to the movies with all of them. I am so thankful for GREAT friends and a wonderful husband that God has given me. You guys make my life wonderful, and keep me sane! :)

Tomorrow, my mom is taking Hannah and I grocery shopping. Mom is also gonna buy the Special Ed GACE book for me. I have decided to go for it. It is something I want to do anyway, and I have time right now. Plus, it will be one more thing to add to my resume when I head back into that BOE office to get my career back! :) That's about it for now. Looking forward to a wonderful weekend with my friends and family. Happy Friday, everyone!

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Give God The Glory

I am working today. Not at one of my favorite schools, but I couldn't have cared less when I got the call. I am working. That's the point. I am also going to begin my tutoring job this afternoon. It's not going to amount to very much money, but it will buy diapers and help with gas money. I will take it. Yesterday, I was emotionally spent. Today, I feel kind of...numb?....sedate? peace? I am really not sure. I had some good face time with the Lord at church last night, and I bawled my little eyes out. I have been feeling like I can barely breathe. When I am with God though, I feel like I can breathe. He is the air I breathe....what a blessing. He is also blessing us financially....we have been GIVEN fifty dollars this week, had dinner bought for us last night, had groceries bought for us yesterday. Daniel is going to be working for a friend this weekend and will be bringing home a nice amount of money for that. Thank You, Lord. Also, my super fabulous best friend Nena came to church last night. I wanted to ask her to come, because I was such an emotional wreck yesterday...but I knew it wasn't fair to ask her that. She came to church, and she told me that she felt like she had to come. She prayed for me, and I felt the wind of the Holy Spirit blow into my heart again. Twice in one night.....I'll take it. :) THANK YOU, LORD for friends who will pray for us. She is also treating us to a movie this weekend....isn't she fabulous?

I don't understand any of what is happening, but I can't wait for the day when I will understand. When God finally reveals His purpose and plan for all of the pain I have been through in the past year. But right now, He is pouring out His blessings and I am not letting one go by without praising Him for it. Looking at the cold hard facts, we shouldn't still have our home and our car....but we do. We shouldn't have food to eat or the things that Hannah needs...but we do. And that is 100% because of God. No one else gets the glory for that. No one else. Nena and I both came to the same conclusion at different times yesterday. One of my greatest desires is to be a stay-at-home mom with Hannah. And Nena knew that because she has read it on my blog. We both realized yesterday that God is giving me that privelege right now. It might not last very long, because I really do need to work. It may not be the way I wanted it to happen, but it has happened. I was home with her this whole week until today. Sometimes God answers our prayers, and we don't even realize it because He didn't do it our way. But He still did it. :) I am so thankful that He is God and I am not. He is so much better at it than I would be.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

I Give You All of My Praise

I didn't get the job. This is really all I have to say for now....

I don't understand Your ways

Oh but I will give You my song

Give You all of my praise

You hold on to all my pain

With it You are pulling me closer

And pulling me into Your ways

Now around every corner

And up every mountain

I'm not looking for crowns

Or the water from fountains

I'm desperate in seeking, frantic believing

That the sight of Your face

Is all that I need

I will say to You

It's gonna be worth it

It's gonna be worth it

It's gonna be worth it all

I believe this

It's gonna be worth it

It's gonna be worth it

It's gonna be worth it all

I believe this

You're gonna be worth it

You're gonna be worth it

You're gonna be worth it all

I believe this

You're gonna be worth it

You're gonna be worth it

You're gonna be worth it all

I believe this

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Praise You In This Storm

As I was praying for friends and family....and myself....God gave me some perspective on our "situations". I was thinking about how we need to praise Him in the storm. And then He said to me....that is what this is. These things that all of you are going through are just that-storms. And they will pass, just like storms in the natural. The winds will howl, the rain will fall, the lightning will strike, and the thunder will crash. It will seem very loud, scary, and much bigger than you are. But, it will pass. We just have to hold on to Him for all we are worth, and trust Him to get us through it.

We get so caught up in what is happening to us, that we forget that it won't last forever. Yes, we are going to hurt over our current situations. But don't let them overtake you. Don't let Satan and his tools of fear, desperation, and depression sweep you away from God. Let God's love, peace, and mercy be present with you in this storm. And praise Him, no matter what comes. Here is the link for the song/video Praise You In This Storm

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Venting and Thanks

Things I don't like....

Gabrielle's baby passing away.
Abby having multiple seizures.
Scott passing away and the pain that brings to Laura.
My job situation.
The questioning and wondering that has gone on in the faith of many friends who have been attacked.
My own questioning and wondering.
Foreclosure and bankruptcy that has become a part of the lives of several people I care about.
Pain, pain, pain.
The enemy coming in and trying to wreck my home and take peace away from us.
Lisa and Jennie being in the hospital.
Subs....myself and my friends.....losing their jobs.
Seeing what the enemy is doing to the young people of our church.

Things I do like....

Knowing that God is still in control.
Praying and believing that God can and will answer every prayer.
Having wonderful friends who bless my life and are such a comfort to me.
Lisa and Jennie are now out of the hospital. :)
God's word.
Songs that glorify God.
The job opportunities that have come up this week.
The things that I am learning from all of these trials in my life.
Seeing my friends and family blessed by God.
Love, love, love.
The blessings that God has bestowed on us, seeing how He has brought us through this past year. He does things that man cannot do!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

At A Loss

I am just at a loss for words. I got word this afternoon that a friend of mine whose baby was born yesterday, is now grieving the loss of that baby. Landen was having difficulty from the beginning, but we all truly believed that he was going to make it. His lungs were not able to receive the oxygen they needed, and he passed early this morning. The mom is my friend Gabrielle. She is a precious, sweet lady. She is the sister of a guy I dated years ago who is now a friend of mine. Gabrielle loved and looked up to me. She called me her sister, and always told me she wanted me to marry her brother. All of that seems silly now that I am a married mother and all of that, but the point is-she means a lot to me. And the thought of her laying in that hospital bed having to mourn her child just breaks my heart. It breaks my heart to hear of anyone going through that, but when it's someone you know it really hits home.

This has been a rough period of time for a lot of people I care a lot about. It's been a rough period of time for me. And in all of this, I am looking for God and finding Him. He is still there. He is still moving, He is still healing, He is still strong and sovereign and loving. Even when prayers go unanswered and we truly don't understand why. Please pray for Gabrielle, JT, and their families. This loss is a really devastating one. I am asking God to comfort, uplift, and speak to each person who is touched by this tragedy. I know that He will.