Tuesday, November 08, 2011


Obviously a lot has been going on, since I have not blogged since August! I am having a VERY busy year at school, we are constantly busy with the church between leading the youth and choir, AND Baby Number 2 is due in April! :) I have been very sick and tired, so blogging has been at the bottom of my priority list.

This past weekend was my birthday, and it was a wonderful weekend. On Friday, my students, school parents, and para blessed me with cupcakes, cookies, snacks, lotions, candles, a blanket, gift cards, etc. I ended up having to go home from school early, because I got very sick. My OB sent me home for the rest of the day after I went in to see him. I slept the rest of the day, and then went out to dinner with my family and Nena. :) My husband had beautiful flowers sent to me at work, too.

Saturday, I got my hair cut and a FREE eyebrow wax. I got to do some shopping, and my mom cleaned my WHOLE house! Then, my sweet hubby cooked dinner, and Mom did my dishes.....that allowed me to get some rest that evening. Church on Sunday was wonderful, then we had lunch with Pastor and Ms. Linda. I received some more gift cards from friends, and a couple of wonderful phone calls from family. It was a very blessed birthday, and I enjoyed it very much.
There is so much more I need to update on, but time won't allow me right now. Be back soon....I hope!