Saturday, June 26, 2010

This Is Home

I have always been a bit of a homebody. Even as a kid, I would get homesick while at a friend's house, and just want to go back to the comforts of home. Now that I have my own home and my own family, and I work until 6 every night, it has reached a fever pitch. I long to be at home with my little family. To have time to clean my house and play with Hannah, since she is growing up SO fast. Home is also the place where I commune with the Lord most often. I speak to Him, and hear Him speak to me. I know that's also what church is for, but lately it seems like we are missing the point of church. Everyone is in such a hurry to fulfill their obligations to the church that they forget that we are supposed to be there to worship God and talk with Him. We don't slow down long enough to actually hear God's voice. That's a problem. As Christians, church is supposed to be kind of like a home for us. Our sanctuary away from the things of the world, the place where we can run to God and find everything that we need spiritually.

It makes me long for my permanent home in Heaven. The place where everything is as it should be. Where we can talk with God every hour of every day. Where the cares of this world disappear. I want to go to church and find that same thing. I guess the change needs to begin with me, since I am the one who sees the disconnect. It troubles me that no one else seems to notice. Everyone thinks they are doing "the right thing". But, doing the right thing won't bring you closer to God. It won't sustain you when life is falling apart around you. And, it certainly won't get you to Heaven. My heart is longing for home, in so many ways.