Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Just wanted to document this morning so I can cut myself some slack when I wanna go to bed at 7 pm I got up this morning at 7:30, and couldn't fall back asleep. So, I got up and ate breakfast, then....

went and got Hannah from her bed
changed diaper
made her milk cup
stripped beds and washed sheets
ironed church clothes for me, picked out clothes for Hannah
took out meat for dinner
helped hubby pack lunch for work
sent e-mail to my boss, received reply
texted Mom
made Hannah's breakfast
uploaded lake pix
wrote and mailed thank you note
worked on grocery list for tomorrow

ALL of this before 9 o'clock! 

Monday, June 27, 2011


I am home. I am refreshed, yet funny. There are so many moments I would love to share (and pictures, too). But for now, I am just going to soak in the bliss of being once again grateful for my home....really, really grateful for what I have. And grateful for a vacation filled with laughter, tears, family, fun, and a little stretching. God, You overwhelm me.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Post Edit

Had to add "take Hannah to pediatrician" to my list. Luckily, she's fine! :) This crazy smoke is getting to her just like it is everyone else. Everything else is done! Ready to head out of town NOW. Can't stand the waiting After this first month of summer that has been filled with hospital time and LOTS of being concerned about my friends who are going through a lot of "stuff", I am ready to feel the wind in my hair as the boat glides across the water. Ready for the warm sunshine and the cool lake water. Ready for laughter and doing little more than breathing in the fresh air and enjoying my family. In a little over 12 hours, we will be getting on the road. Ahhhh, vacation! :)

Today's To Do List

Checked off list...

phone calls
banner team practice schedule
banner team CDs
children's drama (1/2 done anyway)

Still to do....

finish packing
make lunch/clean up lunch
install portable DVD player in car
straighten house
pay bills
buy milk
Get on the road tomorrow, get to PTC, and FINALLY relax! :)

Saturday, June 18, 2011


This morning, I am wondering.

Wondering just how much rain it's gonna take to get rid of this awful smoke.

Wondering why I couldn't sleep last night.

Wondering my child asks for breakfast every morning, then proceeds to stare at it rather than eat it.

Wondering what we are going to get into today, Daddy gets to plan the whole day. :)

Wondering when I am gonna get that phone call I am waiting on.

Wondering why my stuff cannot just jump into my suitcase so we will be ready for vacation.

Wondering what God's gonna do in the service tomorrow.

Wondering how my Granny is doing today....she went home yesterday!

Wondering why I am on Blogspot instead of washing the mound of dishes in my sink.

Happy Saturday, all!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Focusing on My Blessings Today

I have SO much to look forward to....

banner practice tonight

Granny successfully getting through her surgery tomorrow

church Wednesday

family time this week with my sister and her kids

dinner with the Richardsons on Thursday

payday on Friday :)

Father's Day weekend with my two favorite people

lake trip in two weeks with my dad, stepmom, sisters, brother, and Hannah

July 4th with my family, church/banner team ministering on the 3rd

growth and prosperity in my career

POST EDIT....forgot two more things.....getting to know my sweet niece Maggie, which means spending time with my bro and sis-in-law, and looking forward to getting Hanny potty trained! :)

God is so good! When we are faithful to Him, He will ALWAYS be faithful to us. In good times and in bad, Lord....I have learned to praise You and trust You through it all. Thank You for teaching me that, even when it was painful and I just wanted to give up.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Be Content

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

I understand the feeling, the need and want for more. But as Christians, we have to fight against it. We have to value these Scriptures above anything else, even the feelings of our own heart. I do not have everything I want, or sometimes even everything it seems I need. But, God is teaching me to be content with where I am right now. I think sometimes we make ourselves feel that "it's okay" to want a better life, and people tell us that same thing. But have you asked yourself how many people would do anything to have what you have? We so cavalierly say that we need a better house, better clothes, a better car, a better situation at work or church or in our family. Do we understand how rich we are as Americans? Do we understand how rich we are as Christians? 

I put the beginning of this blog into draft, and didn't finish it. That was Monday. Tuesday (yesterday), I got a call that could change nearly EVERYTHING for our a really positive way. God is amazing. I just want to encourage the couple of people who read my blog....God will give you beauty for your ashes. It will come to pass. Don't let the enemy, your own feelings, or anyone else tell you differently.