Thursday, November 19, 2009



1. I am feeling better.....emotionally and physically....I can feel that you prayed for me. Thank you.
2. Hannah woke up before I left this morning....LOVE morning time with her, since I don't usually get it.
3. I got to work on time even after having time with Hannah. YAY!
4. Satilla, Satilla,, I love this place!
5. Nothing to do tonight.
6. Tomorrow is Friday.
7. I slept on the couch last night....but I SLEPT! And I slept well.
8. Again, thankful for my husband. He cooked dinner last night.
9. God's presence during praise and worship last night. WOW, how I needed that!
10. Yard sale this weekend, we are hoping to make some extra cash since we so desperately need it!